What foods are rich in vitamin B12?
Because food is the number one source for filling up on nutrients, it is essential to compose your meals with the right products, those that meet the body's needs.
In the series of our nutrition guides , we share with you the tips to finally know where to find vitamin B12 in food. Products of animal origin, vegan products and food supplements, we tell you everything about this essential nutrient!

The importance of vitamins for the body
Being in shape means feeling physical and mental well-being on a daily basis. We could also say feeling good in our skin and in our sneakers, this state where the body functions correctly. From diet to sleep, including physical activity, you have the choice to take care of yourself.
And if we meet most of the body's needs through what we eat, it is clear that the nutritional value of fruits and vegetables decreases over the years. The solution ? Focus on the right foods and supplement with food supplements when necessary.
Fatty acids, vitamins, minerals or amino acids, several nutrients are essential for the body to function well. Today, focus on vitamin B12 (scientifically called cobalamin ), one of the essential nutrients for the proper functioning of the body!
Before sharing with you the foods rich in vitamin B12 to put on your plates, we summarize the fields of action of this essential:
- Cellular renewal;
- Balance of the nervous system;
- Production of red blood cells;
- Maintains the bone system;
- Immune system support;
- Assimilation of proteins and fatty acids.
So make sure you get enough vitamin B12 through your diet or supplement to meet your body's needs.
Yes, although the body works wonders, it does not synthesize B12! This is why it is all the more important to be vigilant. To compensate, the human body is able to store vitamin B12 in large quantities in the liver, as well as in the brain and heart.
So, who should take B12? If we all need it to be in great shape , it is a vitamin particularly recommended for vegans and vegetarians who do not benefit from its intake in their diet.
Because vitamin B12 plays an important role in the proper development of the fetus , it is also recommended for pregnant women. And to allow baby to build up stocks from an early age, it is an ideal nutrient for breastfeeding women.
Tip: the effectiveness of vitamin B12 is reinforced in combination with other B vitamins , notably B6 or B9.
Fatigue, digestive problems or even irritability… Eat foods rich in vitamin B12 before the first signs of a nutritional deficiency intrude into your life.
In the kitchen !
We recommend you
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 in its active and bioavailable form, methylcobalamin.
- ✅ Natural form & bioavailable
- ✅ Optimal dosage (1,000 μg per capsule)
- ✅ 100% clean
- ✅ 4 months of treatment
Foods rich in vitamin B12 to eat to be in great shape
Among the top foods rich in B12 , we mainly find foods of animal origin such as offal, seafood and dairy products.
The best way to consume these foods rich in vitamin B12 is to cook them healthily to maintain better nutritional value. Good news, it’s a heat-resistant vitamin! Simmered or steamed dishes are therefore perfect to take full advantage of.
But while omnivores will be delighted to hear this news, we are also thinking of vegetarians and vegans who also need B12. Between personal convictions and ecological context, the proportion of people who do not consume food from animal exploitation continues to evolve each year.
Discover sources of vitamin B12 suitable for all organisms!
Liver, kidneys, brains or cheeks, we enjoy offal, foods rich in vitamin B12 and considered good for health. You can also eat certain cuts of meat, particularly those from beef, but prefer much richer offal.
Go to your butcher or farmer closest to your home to easily stock up on vitamin B12!
Oily fish
We cook mackerel, sardines, salmon, trout and tuna. These gifts from the sea are perfect for meeting B12 needs.
If fatty fish are excellent for your health, both for their B12 intake and for the other vitamins they contain, choose those from sustainable fishing methods. Rich in proteins and minerals, include them in your meals and enjoy their benefits!
We stay in seafood products with crustaceans and shellfish, nutritional bombs, but above all perfect candidates for stocking up on colobamine.
Oysters, shrimp, crabs, mussels, crab, lobster or clams: a wide choice to indulge yourself while taking care of your health, and being in great shape.
Eggs and dairy products
In the family of foods rich in B12, we present to you eggs and dairy products. When it comes to eggs, favor the yolk to benefit from the maximum benefits. To eat raw or still flowing, it is excellent for the taste buds and for your health! Regarding dairy products, indulge in yogurt or cheese.
If we find this vitamin mainly in products of animal origin, we can also benefit from the benefits of B12 in foods adapted to a vegan diet .
We recommend you
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 in its active and bioavailable form, methylcobalamin.
- ✅ Natural form & bioavailable
- ✅ Optimal dosage (1,000 μg per capsule)
- ✅ 100% clean
- ✅ 4 months of treatment
List of foods rich in B12 for our vegan friends
“ Vitamin B12 is for omnivores ”, really? Yes, it is true that intake is mainly via offal, seafood, fish, meat, eggs and dairy products. BUT, you can also take advantage of some non-animal foods to replenish your vitamin B12 reserves.
Unfortunately, we cannot count on fruits and vegetables, or only in tiny quantities. They do not meet the needs of the body. To compensate, we rely on other products such as nutritional yeast or certain algae, foods rich in vitamin B12 and good for us!
Be careful, if these foods contain colobamine, they are not enough to meet the body's needs. If these vegan products are less rich than offal, the quantity of B12 also remains less assimilable by the body, which is why it is strongly recommended to take a course of food supplements in order to stock up.
Nutritional yeast
A real nutritional bomb rich in protein, fiber, iron and potassium, nutritional yeast provides colobamine to the body. Sprinkle on all your dishes, it brings a cheese flavor and some hazelnut notes. A treat for the taste buds and the body!
Take care to check on the packaging that your nutritional yeast contains vitamin B12, as this is not always the case. It is generally added since it does not naturally contain it.
The seaweeds
Dulse, nori, aonori, sea lettuce, chlorella or even spirulina, the algae family is a good source of vitamin B12 for our vegan friends! But be careful, the quality must be there (the drying process can reduce bioavailability).
In addition to diet, taking a vitamin B12 food supplement is an excellent way to meet your needs! Vitamin B12 exists in different forms such as hydroxocobalamin, cyanocobalamin, adenosylcobalamin or methylcobalamin. To assimilate it properly, we recommend the latter which is recognized for its bioavailability!
Supplement your food intake with a vitamin B12 supplement
If it is not possible for you to ensure sufficient intake of B12 through food, taking a vitamin B12 food supplement will be an excellent way to meet your needs!
Vitamin B12 exists in different forms such as hydroxocobalamin, cyanocobalamin, adenosylcobalamin or methylcobalamin . To assimilate it well, we recommend the latter, recognized for its excellent bioavailability!