collagen banking

Collagen banking to delay wrinkles: miracle or scam?

The latest trend in sight is “collagen banking”, literally meaning “management” or rather “stock” of collagen. As you will have understood, the excitement around this protein is not over, and the cosmetic industry has understood this well.

Given the progressive decrease in collagen reserves in the body, starting from the age of 25, the prospect of being able to stock up in advance, with the tips of “ Collagen Banking” appeals to beautistas and people concerned about the beauty of their skin.

So, reality or excessive promise? As you can imagine, the Novoma team has looked into the matter. Explanations.

Aging Skin and Collagen Loss: Essential Reminders

Collagen: the role of this protein for the skin

Collagen is a structural protein, naturally produced by the human body. Its role is to ensure the proper functioning and resistance of cartilage, ligaments and connective tissues as well as the elasticity and suppleness of the skin.

💡By the way! The term collagen comes from the Greek “kolla”, or “glue”: collagen acting as a binder. Hence its use for hundreds of years in tanneries to ensure the strength and flexibility of leather.

Decreased collagen production: number 1 cause of skin aging

From the age of about 25 (not everyone is relegated to the same place), the body's natural production of collagen decreases, leading to a progressive deterioration of the dermis. However, the epidermis is the layer located just above: like a house with damaged foundations, the risk of cracks in the walls will be all the higher! Construction experts: do you confirm?

Consequences of this decline?

👉 The skin loses firmness and becomes less supple;

👉 The first wrinkles and fine lines appear: around the eyes and mouth;

👉 Skin cells lose their ability to regenerate.

We recommend you

Marine collagen in capsules

Marine Collagen

Beauty formula based on marine collagen and hyaluronic acid, enriched with vitamins A, B, C, E and Zinc.

  • ✅ 3-in-1 action
  • ✅ 1000 mg of patented marine collagen
  • ✅ 90 easy-to-swallow capsules
  • ✅ Made in France 🇫🇷
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Collagen Banking: The Beauty Trend Explained in Detail

Collagen Banking: Definition of the New Term for Beautistas

The term Collagen Banking literally means “collagen bank”, in other words the storage or reserve of this protein, by different methods.

👉 The goal? Limit and delay the appearance of signs of skin aging by helping the skin to build up collagen stocks (if that is even possible, but we will get to that…)

Who coined the term Collagen Banking?

The “Collagen Banking” trend has gone viral on TikTok, gaining massive traction among women in their twenties.

The Chinese social network, known for its regular new trends, already has several million searches for the hashtag #collagenbanking or #collagenbank.

The content in question is mainly distributed by skin experts and dermatological care brands (doctors, beauty influencers, cosmetic surgeons, etc.), in order to reach an ever younger target.

What are the beauty tips of “Collagen Banking”

The concept of Collagen Banking is quite simple: it consists of implementing aesthetic treatments and tips and applying products designed to stimulate the skin's production of collagen.

We find:

  1. Beauty serums nicknamed “pro-collagen”: enriched with collagen peptides, L-carnosine (amino acid with antioxidant properties) and other antioxidant active ingredients;

  2. Sun products (anti-UV cream, etc.);

  3. Non-invasive aesthetic treatments: microneedling, resurfacing lasers (Fraxel, CO2 and Erbium) or Ultherapy;

  4. Retinoid-based treatments: active ingredients present in cosmetics to support cell renewal and in certain acne medications.

☝️ Warning : these treatments are not without risks, and have been the subject of several contraindications by the ANSM, including incompatibility with pregnancy due to their teratogenic effect.

collagen banking

Trend or real action? Our opinion!

Sure, some of these tips are great for improving skin condition, but when it comes to using serums enriched with collagen peptides, we're skeptical. 👀

Beauty products containing collagen promote benefits for the skin, but this is mainly a marketing argument, since the skin is not able to absorb and use this molecule. Indeed, collagen cannot cross the epidermal barrier and therefore does not penetrate the dermis, where the fibroblast cells are located.

The effects observed are due to the addition of other active ingredients, vegetable oils or floral extracts.

☝️ Our opinion? Taking care of your skin with suitable products, yes, but be careful not to fall into the trap of certain “miracle” beauty trends.

And if necessary, opt for a food supplement formulated to contribute to the radiance and beauty of the skin!

➡️ The beauty pack : the combination of a pot of hyaluronic acid and marine collagen capsules;

➡️ The pack to compose : in order to benefit from a discount between 10 and 20% on your order, it's always nice. For the beauty of the skin, we recommend that you combine Zinc, Hyaluronic Acid and the Sleep Formula. ☀️

How to naturally stimulate collagen production?

Appropriate supplementation

Preventive actions are of great interest, especially when it comes to skin beauty. And this can be achieved through dietary supplements, alongside a healthy lifestyle.

Which ones? Collagen (obviously) and Vitamin C !

Marine collagen:

At Novoma, we have chosen a collagen of marine origin, which remains, in our opinion, the best collagen there is:

  1. Its bioavailability is higher than that of bovine origin;

  2. Aquaculture produces 7 times less greenhouse gas emissions than agriculture;

  3. The marine origin of our collagen benefits from quality, traceability and sustainability labels which are our priority. What is more, given the potential risks of contamination by undesirable agents and the use of antibiotics in cattle breeding.

➡️ To satisfy as many people as possible, we offer a capsule version, and a galenic in the form of collagen powder. To mix easily in a juice or smoothie in the morning (it seems that the mango flavor is all the rage).

Vitamin C

It is THE vitamin of choice to support collagen production.

In view of the nutritional loss of fruits and vegetables observed by various studies over the last 50 years (consequence of environmental degradation and intensive agriculture), vitamin C supplementation could be relevant.

An alarming study, published in 2024, reveals that most fruits and vegetables of mass consumption (bananas, potatoes, apples, etc.) would have lost up to 70% of their nutritional qualities. An average decrease of 15% of Vitamin C in fruits and 29% in vegetables over the last century.

collagen banking

The basis: a balanced diet

As you will have understood, a diet rich in Vitamin C is essential in order to support the production of collagen.

It is mainly found in citrus fruits, red peppers, red fruits and green leafy vegetables. Choose organic and seasonal products to get the most benefits.

As for collagen, it is present in abundance in animal proteins: cuts of meat, bone and beef broths, fish and shellfish!

At the same time, it is recommended to avoid refined sugars and industrial products, and to (really) ease off on ultra-processed foods.

Healthy lifestyle habits and routine

The skin is a reflection of our lifestyle habits! Who hasn't had to deplore a dull and grayish complexion after several days of short and alcoholic nights?

👉 Our advice:

  1. Prioritize quality sleep with regular bedtimes as soon as signs of fatigue appear!

  2. Adequate hydration (minimum 1.5 liters per day, or even more than 2 liters for athletes and in summer);

  3. Protect your skin with total sunscreen to limit the effects of UV rays on the skin;

  4. Reduce (or even stop) smoking and moderate your alcohol consumption.

A question? Need advice to find the product adapted to your pace of life? Do not hesitate to contact us!


What is collagen banking?

Collagen banking, the new trendy trend among beautistas, consists of “stocking up” collagen in the skin. But be careful, the reality is quite different!

How to stimulate collagen production?

It is possible to slow down premature aging of the skin by adopting a healthy lifestyle (good hydration, balanced diet, quality sleep, etc.), and if necessary as a preventative measure with collagen as a food supplement.

Our advice
gélules comprimés et capsules de compléments alimentaires
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