The 3 main benefits of vitamin D
It's almost the return of Spring and therefore, hopefully, sunny days! The body synthesizes vitamin D in contact with the sun's rays , so the body can receive more vitamin D in March than during the winter.
Despite this, it is estimated that 80% of the French population is deficient in vitamin D, including 20% in a state of deficiency.
For what ? Because certain factors such as age, pollution, skin pigmentation or lack of sunlight limit the body's ability to produce vitamin D.
What are the risks of a deficiency? Why is vitamin D important? Some answers below!

The risks of vitamin D deficiency
Since vitamin D is essential for the proper functioning of the human body , a deficiency is problematic. Indeed, vitamin D helps maintain optimal bone and muscle health and has favorable effects on inflammation. By attacking bacteria and viruses that damage the immune system, it also fights infections like the flu and colds.
A vitamin D deficiency can then have serious consequences on bone metabolism and can lead to certain diseases (asthma, Alzheimer's, depression, eczema) or cancers (colon, pancreas).
3 benefits of vitamin D
Although vitamin D has a myriad of health benefits, here are our top 3:
No. 1: it makes bones stronger
Calcium is very important for good bone health and increasing bone mineral density. Research has shown that vitamin D promotes the deposition of calcium in bones, making them stronger and healthier.
When vitamin D is deficient, the body begins to slow or stop the deposition of calcium in bones; the calcium is then released into the bloodstream. Over time, this continuous cycle of deposition and removal weakens bones and puts the body at high risk of fracture.
No. 2: it protects against cardiovascular diseases
Did you know that vitamin D has a protective effect on the heart? Recent data has shown that people deficient in vitamin D are at increased risk of hypertension, heart disease, sudden cardiac death or heart failure.
Although the exact mechanisms remain somewhat unclear, it appears that vitamin D helps lower blood pressure and improve arterial compliance as well as glycemic control.
No. 3: it reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes
Type 2 diabetes can cause long-term, life-changing problems, including nerve damage, heart disease, eye damage, vision loss and kidney failure.
Recent studies suggest that vitamin D may play an important role in reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, particularly in people predisposed to developing the disease. Several observational studies have shown that high levels of vitamin D lead to improvements in beta cell function, insulin sensitivity, and whole-body inflammation.
One study actually calculated the risk of developing type 2 diabetes based on baseline vitamin D status and found that patients with the highest baseline levels had a 38% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Should you take vitamin D supplements?
As we mentioned in a recent article, vitamin D is obtained mainly through exposure of the skin to the sun. The problem is that it is not always easy to have sufficient intake in this way – especially in winter when the sun struggles to shine!
To ensure sufficient intake, occasional vitamin D treatment is therefore particularly recommended. A daily dose of 1000 to 2000 IU of vitamin D3 will be perfect to benefit from its multiple benefits.