Discovery of the book “The human body and its power of self-healing”
Ascorbic acid and its virtues are the source of an important scientific literature. This attests to its preponderant place in the large family of vitamins.
There are works that serve as a reference in naturopathy. This is undoubtedly the case of the fourth edition of Yves Cassard's book “The human body and its power of self-healing”, available on Amazon, in which our site is mentioned. In this work, Yves Cassard, renowned naturopath, enlightens us on many themes dear to modern naturopathy.
Among the subjects covered in this very comprehensive work is the action of vitamin C on the body. Discover without further delay some extracts from this new edition!
Selection of the best extracts about vitamin C
Vitamin C in the body
Vitamin C, or L-ascorbic acid , is classified as a non-toxic substance by the FDA in the United States. In the body, it is mainly found in white blood cells because these serve as a means of transport for vitamin C. We also find it in the lens of the eye, the adrenal glands, the brain, the walls of the vessels blood, gums, corpus luteum of the ovaries, pancreas, liver and pituitary gland.
The benefits of vitamin C
Vitamin C is an essential micronutrient for humans, with functions related to its ability to donate electrons. Vitamin C contributes to immune defense by supporting various cellular functions of the innate and adaptive immune system. Treatment of established infections requires significantly higher doses (in grams) of the vitamin to compensate for the increased inflammatory response and metabolic demand.
The best form of vitamin C is that obtained by fermentation from sugars and its reactions produce natural ascorbic acid.
Furthermore, due to its low pH, taking vitamin C compensates for the deficiency in hydrochloric acid, thus providing better digestion . In the digestive tract, it also serves to destroy harmful bacteria and prevents the formation of potentially carcinogenic nitrosamines.
Vitamin C promotes the synthesis and activity of interferon, which prevents the penetration of viruses into the cell.
Vitamin C and its action on the brain
The brain contains up to 10 times more vitamin C than plasma and it is mainly found inside neurons. The brain therefore always maintains a high level of ascorbic acid even in the event of a deficiency in the rest of the body.
Vitamin C is dominant in the formation of hormones and brain neurotransmitters. The first signs of vitamin C deficiency are confusion and depression.
The action of vitamin C on heavy metals
We store toxic heavy metals and chemicals in our tissues and you should know that vitamin C has the property of rendering these poisons into soluble salts, thus allowing their elimination by natural means.
How to dose vitamin C?
Half to a teaspoon in a glass of water during the 3 meals. Always start with homeopathic doses and gradually increase over the weeks according to the tolerance of the intestine.
Contraindication to the use of vitamin C
The use of vitamin C is not recommended in patients with iron overload and more particularly in hemochromatosis because it increases iron absorption.
To find out more about the work of Yves Cassard, we encourage you to acquire his works on Amazon, by clicking on the button below.