Guide - Formule Détox Bio

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Welcome to the user guide area! Find here our usage tips and recommendations to maximize the benefits of your treatment.
guide formule détox bio Novoma

Tips for using the Organic Detox Formula

Find out everything you need to know to get the most out of your Organic Detox Formula: advice on use, detailed composition and practical tips to maximize its benefits for your well-being!

How do I take my supplement?

Take 3 capsules daily with a glass of water, at any time of the day.

You can take your detox cure after overeating, when exposed to pollution or stress, or during seasonal changes.

The recommended treatment duration is one month, renewable according to your needs.

What are the benefits to expect from my treatment?

Do you want to purify your body?

You have chosen the right supplement!

Your detox cure will contribute to:

  • Detoxify your body by eliminating toxins
  • Drain your liver and support its proper functioning

The composition

Organic activated carbon

Origin France
Supplier Exinnov

Known for its absorbent properties.

Organic Milk Thistle

Origin France
Supplier Plantex

Traditionally used to support the functions of the liver, the main organ involved in the elimination of toxins.

Organic birch leaf

Origin France
Supplier Plantex

Promotes the detoxification process, drainage, and elimination functions of the body.

Organic Chlorella

Origin China
Supplier Nutragroup

Green micro-algae, renowned for its richness in nutrients, proteins, vitamins and essential minerals.

Organic lemon peel

Origin Espagne
Supplier Spain

Plant extract rich in flavonoids and vitamin C, with antioxidant properties.


Origin India
Supplier Nutragroup

Rhizome with digestive properties that helps maintain normal digestion and supports natural defenses.

Organic chia seeds

Origin France
Supplier Plantex

Natural source of fiber, omega 3 fatty acids and plant proteins.

Organic activated carbon


Organic Milk Thistle


Organic birch leaf


Organic Chlorella


Organic lemon peel




Organic chia seeds

Nutritional values
  • Activated carbon300 mg
  • Milk thistle300 mg
  • Birch leaf300 mg
  • Chlorella250 mg
  • Lemon peel (including flavonoids)100 mg (1.5 mg)
  • Ginger 100 mg
  • Chia seed50 mg
  • Activated carbon-
  • Milk thistle-
  • Birch leaf-
  • Chlorella-
  • Lemon peel (including flavonoids)-
  • Ginger -
  • Chia seed-
*Recommended Daily Dose *Nutrient Reference Values




When will I feel the first benefits?

The first effects can be felt after 2 to 3 weeks of treatment.

For an effective detox, we recommend a minimum of one month of treatment?

Should I take a break at the end of my treatment?

Yes, it is best to take a 2-week break before starting a new detox cure.

Our tips for optimizing effects

To maximize the effects of your detox, drink plenty of water throughout the day to help flush out toxins.

At the same time, favor a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and fiber, while avoiding processed foods and excess sugar.

Remote consultation

Benefit from free personalized advice from our dietician, expert in micronutrition.

Marina is at your disposal for a 20-minute remote consultation, 100% free.

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