Our 5 tips to support your immune system

Every day, and especially now with COVID-19, our well-being is threatened by exposure to bacteria, germs and other viruses and microbes.

Washing your hands frequently or ensuring social distancing are essential to protect our body. But in addition to these preventative measures, it is really important to do as much as possible to support your immune system.

In this regard, we have bad news and good news.

The bad news is that a strong immune system isn't built overnight. That takes time.

The good news: Since the immune system is affected (for better or worse!) by our lifestyle, even the smallest positive change can prove beneficial in the long term in boosting our immunity.

So to help you achieve this, we have compiled a list of our best tips to promote the proper functioning of your immune system :)


Why does your body need vitamin D?

The immune system is the body's first line of defense. It is a complex network of organs and cells that identifies pathogens and then launches a response to “destroy” these threats.

The immune system has 2 types of defense mechanisms: innate immunity and adaptive (or acquired) immunity.

In general, the immune system does a remarkable job of helping us fight off pathogens. But sometimes it fails, and we get sick.

How do I know if my immune system is weakened?

Certain signs can betray weakened immunity:

• Do you often feel stressed?

• Do you frequently feel tired?

• Do you catch colds easily?

• Do you suffer from abdominal pain or transit disorders?

• Does your body take time to heal?

If you experience these symptoms, it may mean that your immune system is not functioning optimally, and it is high time to do something about it!

How to maintain your immune system?

Tip #1: Get enough sleep

Try to get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night. Your body needs sleep to rest and recharge.

Lack of sleep increases inflammation and decreases the body's ability to fight infections. Some studies have shown that people who don't get enough sleep are more likely to get sick after being exposed to a virus.

Need help falling asleep or improving the quality of your sleep?

Try melatonin which has many benefits. Taken before bedtime, this “sleep hormone” helps reduce the time it takes to fall asleep and promotes quality sleep.


Tip #2: practice regular physical activity

We know that physical activity is extremely important for the body and the brain, but it also helps modulate the immune response.

Exercise improves blood circulation, allowing cells of the immune system to move more freely throughout the body and do their job more efficiently.

Integrating physical exercise (such as practicing yoga or even taking a 30-minute walk) into your daily routine is strongly recommended in order to put all the chances on your side to avoid contracting any passing virus.

Exercising outdoors is also an excellent way to obtain vitamin D, which plays an essential role in the normal functioning of the immune system. Vitamin D is in fact synthesized by the skin when exposed to UVB rays from the sun.

But it is not always easy to meet your daily vitamin D needs, especially in winter when the sun's rays are rare and the cold can discourage you from going outside!

This is why it is advisable to supplement with vitamin D during periods of low sunlight. 1000-2000 IU of vitamin D per day is enough to avoid any risk of deficiency.

Tip #3: Watch your diet

We may hear it constantly everywhere, whether in the media or on the internet, but it is essential to ensure that we eat a varied and balanced diet. Research has shown that good nutrition is the key to a strong immune system.

First of all, choose foods that help improve intestinal balance. The intestine plays a major role in the proper functioning of the immune system. This organ houses 70% of the cells that make up the immune system, and the bacteria it contains (the famous intestinal microbiota) play a major defense role against the body's attackers (viruses, bacteria, etc.).

For optimal gut function, avoid processed foods and add probiotic-rich foods into your diet (like yogurt, kombucha, fermented foods, etc.).

Next, try increasing your intake of foods rich in antioxidants, vitamins and trace elements.

Fruits and vegetables are (as you might imagine!) one of the best foods to stock up on nutrients to support the proper functioning of the immune system.

One of the key vitamins for the body's immunity is vitamin C. This powerful antioxidant is notably present in citrus fruits, kiwi, papaya, broccoli and red peppers. So don’t hesitate to consume it regularly!

Please note, however, that meeting your daily nutrient needs requires many factors: your dietary preferences, your genetics, and even your age. Although a varied and balanced diet should be prioritized, meeting the necessary daily intake of nutrients through food alone is not always easy. So why not supplement it with a Multivitamin or Spirulina?


Tip #4: Reduce sources of stress

Stress can have a significant impact on your body and mind. Not only can it lead to sleep and cardiovascular problems, but it can also reduce the immune response.

Whether personal or professional, many factors can be a source of stress. So it is essential to eliminate or limit stress in your life as much as possible!

How to do ?

First of all, know that mood has a real impact on our immune system. Nowadays, we are constantly bombarded with notifications and news alerts that disrupt the peace of mind and, without realizing it, can lead to negative thoughts and bad moods. Limiting your daily screen time is therefore a good start!

Another idea: every day, take the time to practice your favorite hobby or to enjoy your loved ones. Having fun or laughing helps reduce the amount of stress hormones in the bloodstream! In the evening, allow yourself a moment of calm and serenity; turn down the sound on your television, turn off your phone, grab a good book and relax!

Finally, try new things! Relaxation techniques like meditation can help reduce stress.

Tip No. 5: say goodbye to alcohol and tobacco!

Beyond natural techniques to support your immune system, it's also important to talk about substances to avoid, like alcohol and tobacco, that lower the body's immune response.

Alcohol has been shown to disrupt immune pathways and affect the body's ability to defend itself against infection. And this is also the case for tobacco, which considerably increases oxidative stress and weakens the body's immunity.

DOs & DON’Ts


✅ Wash your hands frequently.

✅ Make sure you eat a healthy, varied and balanced diet. If necessary, supplement it with food supplements rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C, Multivitamins or even spirulina.

✅ Get enough sleep.

✅ Do at least 2 hours of moderate exercise per week (with your doctor's approval!).

✅ Try to reduce sources of stress and allow yourself moments of relaxation.


❌ Don’t bet everything on food supplements! They are certainly beneficial, but do not exempt you from implementing good daily routines.

❌ Don’t smoke.

❌ If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation.


As you will have understood, the immune system is influenced by a multitude of factors: emotional state, lifestyle, eating habits and nutritional balance. Strengthening the body's resistance to viruses and bacteria therefore involves playing on all these fronts.

The list may seem long, but don't be discouraged! Gradually implementing these changes will allow you to stay in great shape, and thus live happily!

Our advice
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