Comment faire le plein de vitamine D ?

How to stock up on vitamin D?

Imagine there was a nutrient that could protect your bones, brain cells, and heart. Even better, this miracle nutrient is completely free and you just have to go outside to get it…

The good news is that this nutrient exists ! This is the famous vitamin D, which is created in particular by our cells when our skin is exposed to the sun.

But despite these facts, a recent study carried out by the Institut de Veille Sanitaire shows that nearly 80% of French people have significant deficits.

Do not panic ! In this article, we reveal everything you need to know about the so-called “ sunshine vitamin ”, and how to get enough of it in your body…

You are ready ? Let's go !


Why does your body need vitamin D?

The conclusion is clear: vitamin D is essential for our body and our general well-being. It comes in two forms: ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) and cholecalciferol (vitamin D3), which is the type of vitamin synthesized by your skin when exposed to the sun… We will come back to this in more detail in the next part !

One of its major functions is to promote the absorption of calcium from food. For this reason, vitamin D is particularly important for maintaining bone mass.

Vitamin D also helps maintain a healthy immune balance .

Finally, vitamin D helps stimulate insulin secretion, which helps regulate blood glucose levels. Several studies have even suggested that it could be involved in weight loss…

In short, you will have understood, it is high time to make sure that you have enough vitamin D in your body!

How to get vitamin D easily?

Tip #1: Spend time in the sun

It is no coincidence that it is nicely called the “sunshine vitamin”. When your skin is directly exposed to the sun, your body transforms these hot rays into vitamin D. Yes, the human body is even more amazing than you thought!

However, the amount of vitamin D produced depends on several variables:

Skin tone
People with dark skin need to spend more time in the sun to produce vitamin D than those with light skin. The reason is simple: dark skin contains more melanin, a compound capable of inhibiting the production of vitamin D.

Age can also be a determining factor. As you age, the production of vitamin D in your skin becomes less efficient.

Geographic location and season
The closer you are to the equator, the more vitamin D you will be able to produce all year round, due to your physical proximity to the sun's rays. Conversely, your chances of getting enough exposure to the sun decrease in proportion to your distance from the equator.

The seasons also matter. We don't teach you anything, it's a little more complicated to sunbathe in the middle of winter in rainy weather, and when you're covered from head to toe!

Sunscreen and the clothes you wear
Certain types of clothing and sunscreens can hinder or even completely block vitamin D production.

Although it is absolutely essential to protect our skin by avoiding overexposure to the sun, it only takes a few minutes of exposure to the sun without any protection for your body to start producing vitamin D. Several studies suggest that exposure 8 to 15 minutes per day allows you to produce enough.

Tip #2: Eat foods naturally rich in vitamin D

When it comes to your diet, fatty fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel, anchovies and sardines are among the only foods that naturally provide an excellent source of vitamin D. Many of these fish are also rich in acids. Omega-3 fats which are good for the heart. Two birds with one stone !

Are you vegetarian? Be aware that mushrooms, such as chanterelles and porcini mushrooms, are the only entirely plant-based source of vitamin D. Like humans, fungi can make their own vitamin D through exposure to UV rays.

Due to their exposure to sunlight, wild mushrooms generally contain more vitamin D than those grown in greenhouses. However, you can also buy mushrooms that have been specifically UV treated to improve their vitamin D content.

Finally, cheese and egg yolks also provide natural sources of vitamin D, but in smaller quantities.

healthy and balanced diet

Tip #3: Also eat foods enriched with vitamin D

Because few foods naturally contain high levels of vitamin D, this nutrient is often added by manufacturers to certain commodity products in a process known as "fortification." However, you should keep in mind that the amount of vitamin D added to foods can vary depending on the brand of product and type.

Here are some foods that you can easily find in your favorite supermarket that contain vitamin D fortification:

• Cow's milk

• Plant milks based on soy, almond, etc.

• The Orange juice

• Breakfast cereals

• Certain types of yogurt

• Tofu

Not sure if a particular food has been fortified? Take the time to look at the label in detail, everything is often indicated very clearly!

Tip #4: Use the UV lamp

UV lamps mimic the action of the sun and can be particularly useful if your sun exposure is limited due to geography or time spent indoors.

⚠️ Be careful not to overdo it, too much exposure under one of these lamps could burn your skin! It is generally recommended to limit your exposure to a maximum of 15 minutes. Forget your beautiful “tanning in Ibiza in the middle of winter” sessions straight away, that is clearly not the purpose of this type of device!

novoma supplement - vitamin D3

Tip #5: Take vitamin D supplements

Even if you follow all this advice, it is very difficult to determine your exact vitamin D intake and be sure you are getting enough.

This is why supplements can be particularly helpful. In addition to knowing your actual vitamin D intake, they allow you to recover from a deficiency by quickly increasing your vitamin D level.

At Novoma, our vitamin D3 offers you all the power of the sun in a single bottle! Each daily dose provides you with 2000 IU of vitamin D3 (or cholecalciferol – the same form that your skin produces when exposed to the sun's rays).

A single bottle of Novoma vitamin D3 contains 120 capsules , which is ideal to cover your needs for a course of 2 to 4 months.

In addition, it is extracted from lichen and is therefore 100% natural and plant-based : perfect for supporting your immune system and promoting the maintenance of your bone mass!

Our advice
gélules comprimés et capsules de compléments alimentaires
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