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Tips for staying in shape as the seasons change

The article in a few key points

The change of season with variations in temperature, light and schedule can have a negative impact on your fitness, your stress and your mind.

The important thing is to keep in mind that you have to be kind to your body and to yourself.

Discover our tips to keep you ready to face the change of season!

Change of season rhymes with variations in temperature, light and time rhythm, more particularly in autumn and spring. Your entire body can then suffer as it adapts. This struggle results in a decline in fitness, a more fragile mind, more present stress, but above all a weakened immune system.

But rest assured, this is not inevitable!

Thanks to the simple tips that follow, you will see how to cope with the changing seasons in order to stay in shape. This way, you will enjoy your activities in the best conditions all year round.

The consequences of the change of season for your morale and your body

During seasonal changes, the body is called upon as a whole. Adaptation efforts manifest themselves in several ways.

Chronic fatigue is the most visible consequence. It is justified by the change in weather, temperature and rhythm. The body becomes exhausted because it defends itself against these changes which require more energy.

Seasonal depression comes from the lack of light. It results from shorter days and less intense light. Without forgetting the disruption of our internal clock, which can be explained by the days getting shorter or longer, in addition to the cold that gradually sets in during the change to winter.

Furthermore, the immune system is heavily called upon to defend us against these multiple attacks. Less effective immune defenses open the door to viruses, and you are more likely to get sick. But the following advice will help you limit the risks !

fresh air

How to prepare yourself physically for the change of season?

Easy-to-apply tips will help you get through this time while supporting your immune system. You stay in shape, and your body will be better equipped to defend itself, no matter what season you enter!

Sleep as the first lever

It is important to maintain a regular sleep schedule, despite the change in schedule. It will make it easier for you to fall asleep. You will avoid the disruption of the internal clock which is exhausting, and will limit the risks of a seasonal drop in morale, which is however common. To combat this potential “sluggishness” even better, practicing light therapy will give a welcome boost by compensating for the lack of light.

Sport to stay toned and alert

It promotes falling asleep at bedtime, justified by healthy fatigue. For greater effects, doing sports outdoors is more invigorating thanks to the fresh air which will stimulate your immune system . And it’s good for morale! Physical resistance will be a major asset in preventing the consequences of the change of season.

Caring for your skin

In winter, dehydration and frostbite await you. So protect your skin from the cold and the trauma it endures by applying moisturizing and nourishing cream. In summer, applying sunscreen, even in spring, is essential against UV rays which destroy the epidermis. Your skin is your body's shield . Taking care of it is important.

What diet to adopt?

In addition to physical preparation and maintenance, a suitable diet will be your ally in supporting your immune defenses and regaining energy.

The basis: fruits & vegetables

Ideally seasonal, they are rich in natural vitamins and should be preferred over fatty foods. Whatever the season, include them in your diet to stay in shape. Another beneficial effect: you avoid feeling tired and notice a boost in energy.

Birch juice, the anti-stress par excellence

It is a detoxifier and an antioxidant for your body and your skin. But it also has draining properties. Its vitamin C and magnesium content makes it a valuable ally for the changing seasons. It allows for gentle acclimatization during a season transition.

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