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6 tips to escape stress-related insomnia

Who hasn't moaned after a bad night complaining of not having slept well? 😒🌚

According to the National Institute of Sleep and Vigilance, nearly one in 5 French people suffer from insomnia .

Difficulty falling asleep, lack of sleep, waking up early: the manifestations can be numerous. The quality of our sleep has a strong impact on our state of alertness and our mood for the day. Stress is the cause of half of insomnia . Fortunately, solutions exist!

We let you discover this article to better understand the link between insomnia and stress !

waking up insomnia

What exactly is insomnia? 😴

Definition of insomnia

Insomnia is a lack or poor quality of sleep which results, depending on the person, in:

  1. difficulty falling asleep;

  2. waking up at night and having difficulty getting back to sleep;

  3. waking up too early with an inability to go back to sleep.

The consequences of insomnia manifest themselves throughout the following day (otherwise, it's not fun) with the added bonus of: lack of energy, morning fatigue, attention problems, difficulty concentrating and gloomy mood.

The two types of insomnia

waking up insomnia

Are you sleeping poorly because of a one-off stressful event, a change in environment or because you have consumed too many stimulants? If these sleep disturbances only occur a few nights, it is called occasional insomnia .

If your sleep has been disrupted by stress at least 3 times a week for 3 months, we are talking about insomnia due to chronic stress . This type of insomnia is unfortunately becoming more and more widespread…

But then, how to get rid of it?

Sleep, how does it work again?

Sleep cycles

Several sleep cycles (3 to 6) follow one another during the night. From adulthood, each cycle lasts on average 90 minutes and is divided into different phases. ⤵️

The different phases of sleep

The sleep cycle includes several phases during which brain activity is different: light or slow-wave sleep, then paradoxical sleep.

The slow-wave sleep phase has several stages: a transition phase of a few minutes, a light sleep phase and a deep sleep phase.

REM sleep is so named because while we sleep very deeply, signs of nighttime awakening appear. They reflect intense brain activity with dreams, for example.

Why and how does stress impact our sleep?

The link between stress and insomnia

stress-related insomnia

Insomnia and stress go hand in hand! A stressful situation leads to brain hyperactivity and overproduction of cortisol. This results in extraneous thoughts, an optimal alert level, stimulated wakefulness and nighttime tension. Stress therefore affects sleep by causing difficulty falling asleep or waking up at night.

How does stress disrupt sleep?

You can't get to sleep and are reviewing everything that awaits you the next day? Ruminations and worry set in: this is the beginning of the vicious circle of stress-related insomnia .

In fact, the more we sleep poorly, the more we think about the consequences of restless nights. Poor sleep impacts our efficiency the next day. The hours go by and we measure the negative effects of insomnia. By experiencing the full force of the disruptions of fragmented sleep, we become aware of exhaustion due to stress.

💡 Good news : whether you suffer from chronic insomnia or temporary insomnia, there are solutions to overcome stress-related sleep disorders . Ready to break this vicious cycle? 💪

How to get back to sleep with stress-related insomnia? Discover our 6 tips

Are you tired of experiencing stress-related insomnia ? Discover our 6 tips so that your daily life is no longer affected by the poor quality of your sleep.

Make way for restful nights and good humor after a good night of sleep and rest! 💙

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1. Opt for relaxation techniques to combat stress

Relaxation techniques have been a real craze for several years. Their effectiveness in the fight against stress no longer needs to be proven. You can adopt different stress management techniques on a daily basis:

  1. Meditation for sleep : practicing meditation regularly helps reduce the release of stress hormones . Meditation exercises aim to calm the mind and therefore promote better sleep.

  2. Deep breathing techniques for sleeping : abdominal breathing exercises are simple to integrate into daily life and very effective against stress. Sitting or lying down, place your hands on your stomach and inhale deeply for 3 to 4 seconds, then exhale deeply. Repeat these breaths. This breathing technique for sleeping regulates your heart rate and helps you relax.

Test several relaxation methods for sleep and integrate the one of your choice into your daily routine. Your achieved mental well-being will promote better sleep!

2. Don't underestimate the importance of exercise

To counter stress-related difficulty falling asleep , there's nothing like physical activity during the day!

Are you having trouble maintaining good lifestyle and sleep hygiene? Try to include sport in your weekly schedule. Reducing daily stress requires regular exercise.

The Ministry of Health and Prevention recommends that adults include 30 minutes of brisk walking per day at least 5 times per week . Do you prefer to swim or play a team sport? Everything is good to take ! The benefits of regular physical activity are numerous, particularly in reducing stress. A full night's sleep without stress-related insomnia awaits you! 🥰

We recommend you

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Sleep Formula

100% natural formula based on plant extracts selected for their targeted action on sleep.

  • ✅ Synergy of 5 plants rich in active ingredients
  • ✅ Effective from the first use
  • ✅ No addiction or dependence
See the product

3. Take care of your diet 🍽

Food is an effective ally in mitigating the negative impacts of stress .

Indeed, foods rich in bioactive molecules such as omega 3 , B vitamins , vitamin D and other minerals act on stress.

Do you want to incorporate these anti-stress foods into your diet ? Add to your shopping cart:

  1. dark chocolate rich in magnesium (without overdoing it, of course!);

  2. foods rich in vitamin B6, such as pistachios or whole grains;

  3. salmon, sardines or tuna, rich in Omega 3;

  4. bananas which contain tryptophan to synthesize serotonin.

For a peaceful night's sleep, avoid consuming caffeine and alcohol before going to sleep.

4. Adopt healthy sleep habits

Screens are invading our lives and their misuse has harmful consequences on our sleep. Change your habits and avoid spending your evening in front of the TV or on your smartphone!

Blue light from screens disrupts the secretion of melatonin and disrupts the biological clock. If you play video games before sleeping, the brain stimulation will make it more difficult to fall asleep.

Why not opt ​​for a relaxing activity instead? Reading or listening to music causes muscle relaxation which helps you fall asleep. By adopting these new habits, you avoid nervousness before bed and the risk of insomnia due to stress .

5. Create a calming sleep environment

healthy environment for sleeping

The temple of sleep: the bedroom!

Who could fall asleep in a cluttered and untidy space?

To clear your brain and sleep well, free up the space in your room as much as possible. Instead, adopt a minimalist decoration without a screen. Feeling good in your bedroom is the first step towards restful nights. 🪄

Choose comfortable bedding and pillows to take care of your back and neck. Finally, remember to ventilate the room well every day for 15 minutes to renew the air and not to turn the heating up above 18 degrees.

6. Learn about natural techniques

Many natural techniques can help avoid stress-related insomnia :

  1. Hypnosis helps put an end to sleep disorders by reprogramming sleep cycles.

  2. Behavioral and cognitive therapies work on sleep problems.

  3. Homeopathy is a natural solution that has benefits for sleep disorders.

  4. Hawthorn has a tranquilizing and anti-stress action which allows the body to relax.

  5. Certain essential oils promote relaxation by acting on the nervous system. Lavender and chamomile, for example, bring about a feeling of serenity conducive to falling asleep.

  6. Certain infusions of plants are known to help you fall asleep: take linden, verbena or orange blossom herbal teas and immerse yourself in the arms of Morpheus!

We recommend you

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Sleep Formula

100% natural formula based on plant extracts selected for their targeted action on sleep.

  • ✅ Synergy of 5 plants rich in active ingredients
  • ✅ Effective from the first use
  • ✅ No addiction or dependence
See the product

Our bonus tip to combat stress-related insomnia

Have you implemented new habits, but stress-related insomnia persists? Taking a sleep supplement can help you get a peaceful night's sleep. Our Sleep Formula , 100% natural based on plant extracts (including plant-based melatonin from St. John's wort), helps, for example, to promote falling asleep as well as deep sleep.

Also discover a selection of sleep food supplements to get rid of the stress that prevents you from sleeping well.

Is your sleep disturbed by stress? With amagnesium treatment combined with taking an ashwagandha (or Indian ginseng) supplement, you will be able to relax. Free yourself once and for all from the invasive stress that affects the quality of your sleep!

Do you dream of finding restful sleep? As you will have understood, there are numerous solutions to eliminate stress-related insomnia : it's up to you to adopt the ones that suit you best!


Co-founder of NOVOMA

Passionate and expert in micro-nutrition, Lucas founded Novoma in 2012. It is with conviction that he develops food supplements with effective, carefully chosen and 100% clean active ingredients, to best meet the body's needs.

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