vitamine c

Liposomal vitamin C, what is it?

Recent technological advances have considerably democratized the liposomal process, which consists of making vitamin C liposoluble (soluble in fats). How it works & benefits: focus on this innovative form of vitamin C!

What is a liposome?

A liposome is a tiny bubble of fat in which nutrients are encapsulated, and which will be able to transport them to the cells. Manufactured by a nanotechnology process, the liposome is obtained from phospholipids, fats generally derived from sunflower or soy lecithin.

The fatty composition of the liposome, similar to the structure of human cell membranes, allows it to easily circulate in the body, resist stomach acidity and cross the digestive barrier. This ability is increased by the small size of this lipid vesicle, which can easily pass through cell walls.

Once the cellular barriers have been crossed, the liposome will transport its contents and deliver them intact and perfectly bioavailable to the cells.

What is liposomal vitamin C?

Liposomal vitamin C is therefore a combined form of ascorbic acid and synthetic phospholipid. It is obtained by electrostatic treatment and addition of lipid compounds and synthetic lecithin (safe for the body).

What is the point of this form of vitamin C?

Here are the 3 main benefits of liposomal vitamin C:

Exceptional cellular assimilation

The liposomal process increases the assimilation of vitamin C by cells. The absorption rate thus reaches 90%, compared to around 20% for other oral forms of vitamin C.

Perfect intestinal tolerance

Liposomal vitamin C does not cause any digestive problems, as can sometimes be the case with classic forms of vitamin C (intestinal problems, gastric acidity).

A more stable and long diffusion

Due to their nature, liposomes are not eliminated by the kidneys. The concentration of vitamin C in the body thus remains high for a long time.

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