consequence manque de sommeil

The consequences of lack of sleep on our well-being

Important for many biological functions such as memory, learning, metabolism, immunity, sleep is the key to well-being!

Therefore, since lack of sleep influences our quality of life, good management is essential. 😴

In this article, we are going to talk to you about the importance of sleep, its rhythms and how it works, to finally take a look at the consequences of lack of sleep for well-being.

consequence lack of sleep

I. The importance of sleep for well-being

Essential role of sleep

Sleep is the most complete form of rest which allows the body to recover on a physical and mental level. Sleep is the period during which all organic functions must be put on standby for optimal recovery . Finer and slower breathing, slowing down of heartbeat, drop in body temperature, everything is done so that the body regenerates and relaxes 😎 in depth.

The first sleep deprivation experiments carried out over more than 3 days, at the end of the 19th century, already described an alteration of memory capacities and motor reaction time, hallucinations and a drop in body temperature 🥶.

Later, other experiments confirmed the role of sleep in the phenomena of concentration, learning, memorization or orientation.

Thanks to research in neuroscience , the 80s were decisive in confirming the importance of sleep for health in general and not just for memory and recovery. According to scientific research, insufficient sleep in adolescents is correlated with a smaller volume of gray matter; lack of sleep increases the risk of catching a cold by 4%.

How many hours of sleep do we really need?

The number of hours needed and the quality of sleep to enjoy a healthy lifestyle can vary from one person to another and depend on several factors such as: the environment, hygiene and pace of life. .

However, no matter how much sleep each person needs, that of deep sleep remains constant, while the durations of light and REM sleep vary.

To better understand, schematically, sleep corresponds to a succession of 3 to 6 cycles , lasting 60 to 120 minutes. Each cycle consists of an alternation of slow-wave sleep and paradoxical sleep.

Slow-wave sleep is characterized by slow waves, hence its name, and has several stages: transition phase between wakefulness and sleep (N1) lasting a few minutes, followed by the light sleep phase (N2), which gives gradually gives way to deep sleep, the duration of which is several tens of minutes. It is during deep sleep that our brain metabolism slows down, and muscle tone decreases, without disappearing completely.

After this period of slow-wave sleep, paradoxical sleep sets in and brain activity is close to that of the waking phase. Paradoxical sleep is known as REM (Rapid Eye Movement) period: muscle tone disappears completely and blood pressure and breathing rate suffer from frequent fluctuations. It is during this sleep that we dream most intensely. Although we can also dream during light slow-wave sleep, it is during REM sleep that our dreams correspond to a dreamlike representation of accomplishments and actions and that we can remember them once we are awake.

Sleep and its rhythms

The sleep rhythm is never fixed. It varies first of all during the same night, the first cycles of which are characterized by slow and deep sleep and the last cycles give way to paradoxical sleep.

Next, sleep varies by age. During growth, slow-wave sleep is deeper, up to the age of 20. With age, deep slow-wave sleep is replaced by lighter, slow-wave sleep. Regarding REM sleep, it is longer during our early years than in adulthood.

The decrease in deep sleep as we age could explain sleep disorders in adults and the elderly. 👵

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II. The consequences of lack of sleep

Sleep is, alongside diet, stress management and physical activity, one of the major pillars of our well-being. Without rest, our body and mind lose their balance and the consequences of lack of sleep can be dire.

A drop in energy

We all know the mental and physical fatigue after a bad night's sleep. Everything seems more difficult, we operate in slow motion, we lack dynamism… 😮‍💨

consequence lack of sleep

A risk of being overweight

A study of people who slept 5 hours on average found that they had a higher body mass index (BMI) than people who slept 8 hours. It appears that not getting enough sleep increases your appetite significantly.

Difficulty concentrating

Having to carry out an intellectual task when we lack sleep is not an easy task 😵‍💫.

Energy metabolism disorders

The body's metabolic balance depends on the duration and quality of sleep. Indeed, sleep deprivation leads to significant changes in glucose (sugar) metabolism: 30% reduction in the insulin response.

Mood disorders

Irritability, stress, heightened emotions, these are all effects that lack of sleep inflicts on us.

A weakened immune system

A fundamental pillar of our balance, sleep is essential for our body to regenerate, because the hormones that support the immune system are secreted especially while we sleep. 🦠

Digestive disorders

Sleep deficit due to stress causes intestinal transit problems. Over time, these disorders can lead to dysbiosis, that is to say, the imbalance of bacteria which participate in intestinal function.

III. Actions to adopt for quality sleep

Establishing good hygiene conducive to sleep is a great service that you provide to yourself and your well-being. As we have seen, the consequences of lack of sleep are far from trivial. 🥶

By following these tips and combining them with a healthy lifestyle (diet, physical activity), you will be able to enjoy the arms of Morpheus like never before:

A good environment for sleeping 🛌

  1. A pleasant, quiet, dark, orderly and clean room;

  2. A comfortable mattress and pillows;

  3. The room temperature should be cool.

consequence lack of sleep

Our tips for sleeping more easily 🧘‍♀️

  1. Read ;

  2. Listen to music ;

  3. Do a relaxation exercise;

  4. Adopt a routine;

  5. Engage in regular activity during the day.

What not to do before going to bed ❌

  1. Doing physical activity too late in the evening;

  2. Use the screens;

  3. Make hearty meals;

  4. Take hot baths (which increase body temperature).

Regularity in bedtime and wakeup time 🕰️

  1. Use the alarm clock to get him up;

  2. Always get up at or near the same time, including weekends;

  3. Avoid naps that are too long and after 3 p.m.

IV. Food supplements to sleep better 😴

Although food supplements do not replace a healthy lifestyle and a good diet , they are an excellent way to combat sleep deficit, promote falling asleep and restful sleep.

Our Sleep Formula , a 100% natural synergy of plant extracts selected for their sleep-promoting action, will help you relax by reducing the time it takes to fall asleep. In addition to St. John's Wort, rich in plant melatonin, our supplement contains lemon balm, known for its soothing properties, passionflower and hops for their tranquilizing properties and California poppy, known for its sedative effects.

To conclude

You will have understood, sleep is essential for our body and our mind. It allows us to recover, regulate our vital functions, consolidate our learning and manage our emotions. 🙂

In conclusion: bye-bye late-night series and hello nights from 7-9am! 🥳

Our advice
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