oméga 3 bienfaits cerveau

What are the benefits of Omega 3 for our brain?

Many people pay particular attention to their skin, their hair and even their immunity. This is obviously a very good thing, but what about their brains?

However, it is a vital organ and the main organ of the nervous system. Do you think it should not be neglected? U.S. too !

From the transmission of information between nerve cells to the production of neurons, the action of omega 3 on the brain proves to be important and beneficial, particularly for memory.

So no more post-its and forgetting things, make way for Omega 3 for an elephant's memory 😉. Let's go !

omega 3 brain benefits

Omega 3: its benefits on the brain and nervous system

Omega 3 is a natural source of fatty acids, considered food for neurons. They help them develop well and form cell walls, allowing us to memorize, learn and be in good mental shape .

Yes, as they have the same composition as the cells present in the cell membranes of the brain, omega 3 fatty acids play a positive role in our cognitive functions. They are also beneficial for the blood vessels that irrigate our brain every second.

If the benefits of omega 3 for the brain are numerous, they are just as numerous for the rest of the body: they promote general well-being, allowing us to stay in shape.

There are different types of omega 3 , polyunsaturated fatty acids:

  • ALA: alpha-linolenic acid;
  • EPA: eicosapentaenoic acid, which works well with brain functions;
  • DHA: docosahexaenoic acid, or the brain's favorite.

EPA and DHA contribute to maintaining mental fitness and are recommended in cases of mood disorders or even exacerbated sadness. They are also recommended in the treatment of certain disorders.

As you will have understood, these polyunsaturated fatty acids are rich in benefits for the brain . They allow in particular:

  • to maintain a normal concentration of triglycerides in the blood;
  • maintain healthy blood pressure ;
  • to maintain normal cholesterol levels;
  • to ensure the proper functioning of the brain;
  • to ensure normal vision;
  • contribute to normal cardiac function.

But then, how do omega 3s act on the brain?

Omega 3 promotes synaptic plasticity. More concretely, they improve the connection and communication between the different nerve cells in the brain.

And what happens when the body is subject to a nutritional deficiency in omega 3 ?

We recommend you

omega 3 brain benefits

Omega 3 Epax®

Ultra pure fish oil concentrated in essential fatty acids.

  • ✅ Friend of the Sea®
  • ✅ 800 mg of EPA per dose
  • ✅ 600 mg of DHA per dose
  • ✅ 1 month of treatment
See the product

Omega 3 deficiency: what are the consequences on the body?

Because it is an essential nutrient for the proper functioning of the brain , a lack of polyunsaturated fatty acids can deteriorate the development of brain functions... and therefore impact your well-being.

As we mentioned, although omega 3 has many benefits for the brain, a lack of this nutrient weakens the nervous system and therefore our cerebral well-being. An omega 3 deficiency can go so far as to cause various physical and mental disorders.

Babies, children, adolescents, adults and even the elderly, everyone can be affected by an omega deficiency. Pregnant women as well, which could impact the proper brain development of the fetus. Thus, consuming omega 3 allows you to preserve your brain functions and stock up on good fatty acids !

Consume the right sources of essential fatty acids

Although the brain needs it to function, and our heart functions to protect itself, the body is incapable of naturally synthesizing omega 3 fatty acids. To compensate for this lack, the consumption of fatty fish, nuts, spinach and oils is necessary to provide you with ALA, EPA and DHA .

Are you unable to meet your needs through your diet? Opt for a simple and effective solution: our omega 3 capsules! Four capsules per day, and that’s it. They are easy to swallow, consumed during a meal, over a course of at least one month and renewable as desired throughout the year.

So no longer neglect the integrity of your vital organs! And to maximize the benefits of omega 3 on the brain, also stock up on vitamin C, vitamin D and B, nutrients loved by the brain .

Our advice
gélules comprimés et capsules de compléments alimentaires
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