Omega 3, EPA, DHA… understand everything about fatty acids

Fatty acid, omega 3 EPA or DHA... Lots of terms that we hear and sometimes have difficulty differentiating. What we do know, however, is that they are good for your health. But why ? What do they bring us and how can we differentiate them? What do they need to know about them?

That's good, we're here to answer you and help you discover the world of fatty acids.

omega 3 epa dha

Omega 3, EPA, DHA: what is it?

The 3 essential components of our daily diet are proteins, carbohydrates and lipids. In other words: meat or cereals, sugars and fats. Omega 3s are fatty acids that are part of the lipid family.

In this family, there are 3 categories of fatty acids:

  • Saturated fatty acids : these are mainly animal fats which, in excess, can promote the development of cardiovascular diseases as well as an increase in bad cholesterol.

  • Unsaturated fatty acids : omega 9 also called oleic acids. We say that they are “non-essential” because our body is capable of synthesizing them, provided that its two cousins, omega 3 and 6, are present.

  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids : omega 6 or linoleic acids and omega 3, also called alpha-linolenic acids. They are called “essential” because our body does not know how to make them. It is therefore crucial to provide him with a daily intake through a varied and balanced diet. They allow a reserve of energy by improving cellular exchanges, preserve all the tissues of the body and play the role of general anti-inflammatory. Unfortunately, our current food consumption provides too much omega 6 for too little omega 3. However, a balance must be maintained to promote the beneficial action of each of these essential fatty acids.

We often talk about EPA and DHA. What does that mean ?

Omega 3 epa dha are the products of an enzymatic cascade whose starting point is alpha-linolenic acid. They are therefore part of the omega 3 family . However, they have a more targeted and more efficient role in our body.

To better understand, here is how omega 3 EPA and DHA are obtained in our body:

Most of the time in our diet we consume alpha-linolenic acids. Imagine little scissors, which are in fact the enzymes present in our digestive system, which would cut this first fatty acid to create a second fatty acid called EPA.

This new structure, with anti-inflammatory action , will excel in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases , in the improvement of all metabolic disorders as well as in the regulation of high blood pressure and depression.

By cutting the EPA structure again, our enzymes then create DHA, also called cervonic acid. Its role is fundamental in all neurodegenerative conditions. DHA allows normal development of the brain , nervous system and vision . It also slows down the overall degeneration of the body. Its balancing action has also been recognized in baby blues as well as in senior depression.

When our body is healthy, this enzymatic cascade takes place properly. But as soon as there is chronic inflammation and/or vitamin and mineral deficiencies, it can no longer be carried out correctly and we are considerably lacking in omega 3 EPA and DHA.

What are the sources of Omega 3?

Omega 3 is found in vegetable oils as well as in certain small fatty fish. A quick zoom on the different sources of natural Omega 3 :

The oils:

  • Linen
  • Nuts
  • Soy
  • Canola
  • Rapeseed
  • Camelina

are good sources of alpha-linolenic acids.

Small fatty fish:

  • The salmon
  • White tuna
  • Sardines
  • The mackerels
  • Herring

have a particularly concentrated content of omega 3 EPA and DHA because the metabolism of fish synthesizes them more easily than ours.

It is therefore recommended to regularly consume these small fatty fish in order to have a continuous supply of active forms of omega 3 already synthesized, namely omega 3 EPA and DHA.

Why take Omega 3?

The health benefits of omega 3 EPA DHA are well established. Numerous studies have proven their effectiveness through numerous experiments.

Their major action is to improve the structure of cell membranes. This function is essential because it promotes good exchanges between cells for optimal metabolism. If all your cells are functioning well and communicating well with each other, this is a guarantee of staying healthy.

Consuming Omega 3 allows you to:

  • Prevent cardiovascular diseases by preserving the quality of blood vessels
  • Have normal blood pressure
  • Prevent and reduce all inflammations
  • Better manage your weight with better treatment of fats in the body
  • Support hormonal function, particularly during period problems, pregnancy or menopause
  • Support the nervous system by preventing its degeneration and improving all cognitive functions: memory, concentration, speed of thinking, etc.
  • Rebalance mood issues, depression and anxiety
  • Develop and maintain normal vision
  • Support skin and tissue quality

So... don't deprive yourself of it!

We recommend you

omega 3 epa dha

Omega 3 Epax®

Ultra pure fish oil concentrated in essential fatty acids.

  • ✅ Friend of the Sea®
  • ✅ 800 mg of EPA per dose
  • ✅ 600 mg of DHA per dose
  • ✅ 1 month of treatment
See the product

Who are they recommended for?

Everyone can consume omega 3 (EPA and DHA), respecting the quantities adapted to their body type. Their consumption is, for example, recommended at:

  • Adults : for prevention, to stay healthy or for treatment, to support a physical or emotional imbalance. However, be careful with people on anticoagulant treatment or with blood coagulation disorders because omega 3 has a long-term blood thinning action.

  • Children : omega 3 can be given from a very young age. The earlier they are taken, the better the child's development, both in terms of growth and their nervous system. They also act on hyperactivity and attention disorders.

  • Pregnant women : these fatty acids are fundamental during pregnancy in order to support the development of the baby but also to maintain the mother's hormonal balance, which will prevent possible baby blues.

  • Seniors : finally, omega 3 is essential from a certain age for healthy aging, at all levels.

How much fish oil to take?

As you will have understood, it is more beneficial for your health to consume fish oils rich in EPA and DHA than vegetable oils which only contain their precursor. In fact, you will be able to provide your body with directly assimilable and active forms of omega 3 for better results.

However, if you want to integrate vegetable oils into your diet, know that the consumption recommendations are around 2 g of alpha-linolenic acid per day.

Concerning fish oils, the World Health Organization recommends a minimum of 500 mg of omega 3 of marine origin, i.e. 250 mg of EPA and 250 mg of DHA .

Very often, our diet is not sufficient to meet these daily intakes. It is then interesting to take cures in the form of food supplements, several times a year. Be careful about the EPA and DHA content. The higher it is, the faster the effectiveness will be.

The goal is to support your health, not create dependence. The cures are therefore recommended for a maximum duration of 3 months , renewable several times, always respecting a 1 month break between each cure.

Also pay attention to the purity of the oil in the capsules. The EPAX label, as we offer it with our Omega 3 supplement, guarantees you an oil that has retained all its benefits because it is extracted at low temperature. This process also makes it possible to eliminate all residues of environmental pollutants containing in particular heavy metals.

Now that you know everything about it, grab your fishing rods! And if you don't want to have wet feet, you can also order our Epax® Omega 3 treatment.

Our advice
gélules comprimés et capsules de compléments alimentaires
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