Spirulina: what are the benefits for sport and bodybuilding?
Whether you are an occasional athlete or an accomplished practitioner, taking a food supplement can help you improve or facilitate the practice of your sport. This is even more true in bodybuilding, where supplementation, particularly with proteins, is on the rise. Today, focus on the unsuspected benefits of a superfood: spirulina.
What exactly are its benefits to the body when you practice bodybuilding or are athletic?

What is spirulina?
Spirulina, from its Latin name “Arthrospira platensis”, is a micro-algae (more precisely a cyanobacteria) spiral-shaped and blue-green in color. It grows naturally in freshwater lakes in tropical regions.
Used for centuries - and in particular by the Aztecs who understood its exceptional nutritional properties - spirulina has gained enormous popularity in recent years, particularly among athletes.
The reason is simple: it’s a bomb of nutrients!
It contains a high content of vegetable proteins (approximately 60 to 70% of its composition), many vitamins essential for muscle development (namely vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B8, B9, B12, D, E , and K) as well as a large number of minerals (calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc and copper).
Prolific in proteins, vitamins and minerals, spirulina is therefore among the supplements of choice for amateur and high-level athletes.
Spirulina: a decisive superfood in bodybuilding
Its benefits are numerous, whether in sport in general or bodybuilding in particular. Here are the main ones.
It promotes better muscle recovery
As you know, in any sporting activity, and especially in bodybuilding, recovery plays an essential role. Without taking rest periods and break days, you will only slow down muscle hypertrophy.
Good news: spirulina is a perfect supplement to optimize your rest phases and help your muscles regenerate, while limiting the risk of injuries and aches. In fact, spirulina contains phycocyanin , which is a natural anti-inflammatory , as well as superoxide dismutase, a healing agent. Their cumulative action helps heal microtraumas due to training, and limits joint pain and aches.
The iron present in spirulina also helps to reduce the harmful consequences of too intense a session, and to reduce the risk of cramps .
Finally, the numerous essential fatty acids and other enzymes in spirulina fight oxidation, and therefore potential inflammation.
It helps increase endurance
Second important effect of spirulina: it helps you maintain constant effort, over a longer period of time. Indeed, it is rich in proteins and amino acids, which help to supply the muscles with energy.
But it also contains carbohydrates, essential for regenerating the glycogen which is consumed during physical activity.
Here again, iron has its role to play: as it promotes blood oxygenation, it helps maintain a sufficient level of oxygen, oxygen consumed by muscle contraction during exercise. This allows you to retain energy for longer , but also to reduce the risk of cramps during a prolonged session.
Spirulina also helps fight against excess lactic acid, harmful in high doses, which is generated during intense exercise.
It contributes to good muscle development
What would a bodybuilding food supplement be without protein?
No worries: with more than 65% plant proteins , spirulina is also a perfect ally for optimizing muscle hypertrophy.
In addition to its numerous proteins, it also contains essential amino acids , lysine, and even the famous BCAAs, another supplement well known to gym enthusiasts, which help burn fat and promote protein synthesis.
By its composition, spirulina therefore promotes muscle mass gain , especially since it is quite low in calories, especially in the recommended doses.
We recommend you
Organic Spirulina
100% pure and natural organic spirulina rich in vegetable proteins, minerals and vitamins.
- ✅ Dried and cold compressed
- ✅ Optimal dosage (500 mg / tablet)
- ✅ Certified Organic by Ecocert
- ✅ 3 months of treatment
How to supplement with spirulina?
Several forms of spirulina exist, whether powder , flakes or tablets .
In our opinion, the most practical form remains tablets, easier to dose as well as to consume.
To choose your spirulina food supplement , pay attention to its concentration of active ingredients (notably proteins and phycocyanin), its traceability (it is better to choose an organic product), as well as the absence of excipients or chemical additives.
Concerning the quantities to consume, we recommend 3 g (i.e. 6 tablets of 500 mg) of organic spirulina per day for a normal adult, but as an athlete, the recommended intake is rather 4 to 5 g (i.e. 8 to 10 tablets). of 500 mg) per day.
For better tolerance, you can start with a lower dose in the first weeks, knowing that a course of spirulina generally extends over 3 months for optimal effects.