

If someone tells you iodine , what do you think of? Without doubt, to the iodized air of the sea and its benefits for the human body: it has been calculated that a liter of sea water contains around 50 micrograms of iodine.

However, while breathing sea air rich in iodine is certainly good for your health, this is mainly a myth.

Indeed, the iodine which will be truly beneficial to our body will be provided via our diet or food supplements . In this article, we will discover this essential mineral nutrient : what it is used for, what are the symptoms of deficiency and which foods are richest in it.


What is iodine?

Iodine is an essential mineral whose Greek name means purple or lilac, referring to the color given off by this element when it evaporates. It is essential to support growth, reproduction, metabolism, neuronal health as well as many other functions.

Iodine is present in small quantities in the human body, but as the body is not able to store it, it is essential to obtain it through diet or supplementation. Iodine has a very important role in the generation of thyroid hormones , which we will detail below.

We recommend you



Complete formula with optimal dosage of 29 nutrients (vitamins, minerals and plant extracts).

  • ✅ 150 μg of iodine
  • ✅ Assimilated or natural shapes
  • ✅ Made in France
  • ✅ 1 month of treatment
See the product

The main sources of iodine

Iodine is naturally present in our food. Although eggs, milk and meat contain it, it is mainly found in seafood products such as:

  • Fish;
  • Molluscs;
  • Shellfish ;
  • Algae.

As the consumption of these products is often insufficient, iodine proves to be one of the most difficult nutritional elements to introduce into our body at sufficient levels, even as part of a balanced diet.

Various vegetables can also be a good source of iodine . The use of iodized salt also allows you to increase dietary iodine levels, being careful of course not to overdo it.

Iodine deficiency: what are the consequences?

Iodine deficiency affects approximately two billion people .

Since most of the functions of iodine are interconnected with those of the thyroid gland , symptoms related to iodine deficiency are linked to thyroid dysfunction.

If the deficiency is mild, the thyroid may work harder to compensate for it, giving rise to a state of hyperthyroidism . Conversely, when the deficiency is moderate or severe, the thyroid is unable to function and produce thyroid hormones, resulting in hypothyroidism .

Here are the main symptoms that iodine deficiency can cause:

  • Hypothyroidism and goiter*;
  • Extreme fatigue;
  • Depression ;
  • Weight gain ;
  • Early baldness;
  • Low basal temperature in adults;
  • Growth retardation in fetuses and children.

* Goiter corresponds to an attempt at physiological adaptation of the thyroid gland which, by increasing in size, attempts to absorb more iodine in the blood.

In medical settings, it has been observed that selenium deficiency , in addition to iodine deficiency , can also impair the synthesis of thyroid hormones. And that’s good: our Multivitamins contain, among other things, an optimal dosage of these two trace elements, for a thyroid in top shape!

What are the benefits of iodine?

The properties of iodine are essential to guarantee the proper functioning of the body. One of its main roles, as we have seen, is linked to the activity of the thyroid , which performs crucial functions for our health. Focus on the many benefits of iodine !

Iodine ensures the normal production of thyroid hormones and plays a major role in the proper functioning of the thyroid

First of all, and as we learned above, iodine works well with the thyroid gland , which is considered the internal thermostat of the human body. Its activity leads to the synthesis and release of specific hormones, called thyroid hormones (T3 and T4 ).

These hormones regulate many metabolic processes involving various organs and systems at all stages of life, starting with the fetal stage . Among the metabolic functions influenced by thyroid hormones are the growth and development of different organs, including the brain.

Iodine contributes to normal cognitive function

Iodine is essential in the development and functioning of the brain , in terms of its structure and functions. This is why its lack is considered to be a major cause of mental disability, fortunately preventable thanks to supplementation with this trace element.

Iodine acts on energy metabolism

The human body uses iodine for the synthesis of thyroid hormones, which are important biological messengers for regulating the body's metabolism . By this we mean both the metabolism of sugars, fats and proteins, as well as the increase in basal metabolism , therefore the amount of calories consumed at rest.

Consequently, thanks to a correct intake of iodine , the body has a greater chance of staying in shape , avoiding excessive thinness or the appearance of excess weight.

Iodine ensures the proper functioning of the nervous system

The nervous system regulates the mechanisms that allow nerve cells to carry out all the vital functions of our body, including the regulation of blood pressure and heart rate . Iodine participates in the development of the central nervous system and its optimal functioning.

Iodine contributes to the maintenance of normal skin

And it's not over ! Iodine acts as an antioxidant , contributes to the elimination of toxins and improves the proper assimilation and use of other minerals. Its action helps to make the skin healthy and radiant , as well as to strengthen and make the hair shine.

How to choose the right iodine supplement?

We understand: improving your diet is the priority to cover daily iodine needs. To promote good intake, iodine supplementation may also be a good idea.

However, not all supplements are equal!

Like any quality food supplement, the chosen formula must be well assimilated by the body and the manufacturing process must meet strict standards . In our Multivitamins , we have selected a form corresponding to a natural iodine from Laminaria algae (Laminaria).

Why this choice ? Seaweed is a valuable resource for our well-being, providing the body with good amounts of iodine, essential omega-3 fatty acids and many vitamins.

The best known and most used are fucus and kelp, also appearing in the composition of many slimming products, in order to accelerate the metabolism.

In terms of doses, we recommend 150 µg of iodine from Laminaria algae , which corresponds to the daily dose (4 capsules) provided by our formula.

Iodine: contraindications

Normally, if we only take into account diet, the thyroid gland has self-compensation mechanisms allowing it to manage high amounts of iodine without causing problems.

On the other hand, when it comes to iodine supplementation , it must be given special attention and carefully managed.

Indeed, while thyroid dysfunction due to excessive iodine toxicity is generally mild and transient, in some people induced hyperthyroidism can lead to adverse health consequences.

Our advice
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