Digestive acne: understanding it to remedy it
Is your adolescence already far away and yet acne is making a comeback? Worse still, she never really left you?
What if it came from your digestion? You may be suffering from what is called digestive acne .
In this article, we will explore what digestive acne is, how it manifests itself, and most importantly, how to remedy it.
Ready to discover the link between acne and digestive disorders ?

What is digestive acne?
Acne isn't just for teenagers going through puberty; it can occur at any age and for various reasons such as stress, hormones, lack of sleep, and even… poor digestion.
Who has never seen a nasty pimple appear shortly after a meal that is too fatty or too sweet? For some, acne rhymes with digestive disorders and it has a name: digestive acne .
This is a skin condition linked to the functioning of the digestive system.
The skin, as the largest organ in the body, is often a reflection of what is happening inside and when the digestive system is at half mast, it is the skin that is likely to suffer.
Digestive system and skin = the essential link
To understand the link between the digestive system and the skin , we must look at the intestines: When the intestinal mucosa functions correctly, it acts as a barrier, preventing the passage of pro-inflammatory molecules into the blood.
However, in the event of an imbalance in the intestinal flora, the barrier becomes porous, allowing unwanted substances to reach the blood.
An immune system response then follows, which can manifest itself on the skin in the form of acne.
There is therefore an established link between diet, the balance of intestinal flora and the skin.
Digestive acne and immunity
The underlying origin of digestive acne can be summed up in one key term: inflammation. Here are the reasons:
Unbalanced Intestinal Flora (Microbiota) 🦠:
The intestinal flora can influence the condition of the skin. Imbalances in our digestion, accentuated by stress and dietary factors, can cause an inflammatory response from our immune system, which manifests itself in the form of acne. Studies have, for example, shown that people suffering from acne have different intestinal flora from people without acne, or that taking probiotics could improve the condition of the skin.
Poor digestion:
→ Lack of Gastric Acidity: Adequate gastric pH is necessary to trigger digestion, thus facilitating the breakdown of proteins. When there is a lack of acidity in the stomach, proteins can reach the intestine in a partially digested form, triggering an immune and inflammatory response which can then be reflected on the skin.
Poor Chewing :
→ Insufficient chewing can lead to poor digestion in the stomach, increasing the workload on the intestines. This can lead to poor absorption of essential nutrients and the production of unwanted substances, contributing to inflammation.
So we try to slow down the pace when it’s time to eat!
Overloaded liver = pimple on the nose
An overworked liver can cause acne indirectly. The liver plays a crucial role in removing toxins from the body.
When overloaded, it may have difficulty processing these toxins effectively.
As a result, these harmful substances can be eliminated by other organs, including the skin via the sebaceous glands.
Guess the result? Sebum secreted in large quantities and the appearance of spots (which we could have done without…)
Diet and digestive acne
🚨 Breaking news : Diet plays a crucial role in the beauty of the skin.
And yes, it’s always on the plate that health begins.
A healthy diet promotes good digestive balance and as we have just seen, a healthy digestive system helps keep your skin glowing. To avoid these nasty acne spots appearing, we will have to look at our food choices.
So what foods should you avoid at all costs and what foods should you favor to maintain dream skin? 🤩

Foods to avoid in case of digestive acne
❌ Refined sugars: White bread, pastries, sweets, sodas, chocolate…
These foods can cause intestinal irritation by promoting excessive fermentation, unbalancing the microbiota and contributing to intestinal hyperpermeability. So many factors that favor the appearance of these damn pimples.
If you suffer from digestive acne , leave sugar in the cupboard!
💡 Did you know ?
“Don’t eat too much sugar, it gives you spots” (well it also works with cavities 😬). This is advice you would do well to follow if you suffer from acne.
When we consume sugars, our blood sugar levels rise quickly. In response, the body releases insulin to regulate this level. However, insulin can stimulate the production of a substance, which increases sebum production. Excess sebum can clog pores and promote the appearance of acne. Everything is connected !
❌ Saturated fats: Meats, cold cuts, fried foods... Saturated fats unbalance the intestinal flora and also promote the growth of skin bacteria associated with acne.
❌ Alcohol: Consumption of alcohol can disrupt the intestinal flora and overload the liver (and cause migraines on Sunday morning 🤪).
Result: Say hello to your new skin roommates!
❌ Dairy products: cow's milk, cheese, yogurt... Dairy products and clear skin do not go well together.
Casein, a protein present in milk, promotes the production of mucus, irritating the digestive system and can cause intestinal problems and skin inflammation. In addition, cow's milk contains growth hormones which stimulate the production of sebum.
What can you replace these forbidden foods with?
✅ Replace Refined Sugars
Opt for whole-grain alternatives: whole-wheat bread, whole-wheat rice, whole-wheat pasta... And prefer dark chocolate with a high cocoa content.
✅Alternatives to Saturated Fats
Choose lean protein sources like chicken, fish or lentils for example. Don't hesitate to replace saturated fats with healthier fats like those found in avocados or nuts for example.
✅ Substitutes for dairy products
There is no shortage of choice! Today you can easily replace cow's milk with plant-based milks: soy, hazelnut, almond, oat, etc. The same goes for yogurts (yum, hazelnut and almond milk yogurts).
As for cheese, choose sheep's or goat's milk cheeses, much better for your intestines and therefore for your skin!
We recommend you
Omega 3
Ultra pure fish oil concentrated in essential omega 3 fatty acids (90% triglycerides).
- ✅ Ultra pure EPAX® fish oil
- ✅ 800 mg EPA & 600 mg DHA
- ✅ Friend of the Sea®
- ✅ Minimal oxidation (Totox < 3)
Foods to promote for beautiful skin
To promote healthy skin and avoid the appearance of digestive acne, you will need to focus on foods that promote intestinal balance and help protect the mucous membrane.
✅ Dietary fiber: Steamed vegetables, fruits and whole grains rich in fiber support intestinal balance.
✅ Probiotics: Include foods and drinks rich in probiotics such as kefir, kombucha and sauerkraut to strengthen the intestinal flora and reduce the risk of digestive acne .
✅ Omega 3: Sources of omega 3, such as fatty fish, flax seeds, rapeseed oil and walnuts for example, help reduce intestinal inflammation, which is also beneficial to the appearance of the skin. .
By adjusting your diet in this way, you will not only move away from digestive acne , but you will also get closer to optimal digestive balance.
And to find out more about skin-friendly foods, we'll give you our article on the subject right here .

How to get rid of digestive acne?
To get rid of digestive acne , it is obvious that you need to take care of your little kitty.
For this, diet is essential, but other aspects must be taken into account (you didn't think that eating nuts and giving up sweets would be enough, did you?)
Make sure you hydrate enough
Maintain optimal hydration (1.5 to 2L of water per day) to support digestive function and promote well-hydrated skin.
We recommend you
Probio Formula
Formula with clinically proven effectiveness on intestinal flora.
- ✅ 60 Billion CFU per dose
- ✅ Synergy of 6 microbiotic strains
- ✅ DRcaps® gastro-resistant capsules
- ✅ Prolonged effectiveness
Consume probiotics
Valuable advice in case of digestive acne : opt for a course of probiotics!
By acting on the balance of the intestinal flora, probiotics will improve digestive comfort and the condition of the skin. This is called the gut-skin axis.
Our Probio Formula , made up of six specially selected strains, acts in a targeted manner to improve digestive comfort and strengthen the intestinal barrier. It can only do you good!
Practicing physical activity
How about a little sports session to take care of your skin?
Exercise stimulates blood and lymphatic circulation, thus promoting better oxygenation of cells and better elimination of toxins.
Result ? A strengthened digestive system, a reduction in inflammatory responses and digestive acne . Physical activity therefore creates a virtuous circle by promoting intestinal well-being, better absorption of nutrients, and radiant skin.
Adopt optimal sleep
Have you ever woken up in the morning after a long night of sleep with baby skin?
Sleep is essential for cell regeneration and allows the skin to repair itself, reducing the risk of skin inflammation.
So be sure to take care of your sleep by going to bed at regular times and don't hesitate to give it a boost with soothing and sedative plants.

Perform skin care
Finally, don't neglect your beauty routine in case of acne.
Creams, lotions or serums will certainly have no impact on digestive acne but will reduce redness, maintain skin balance and help minimize the risk of irritation. Adopting a beauty routine adapted to your skin type will not only offer you a pleasant ritual, but will also give your skin a boost!
The final word
You have now understood, to fight against digestive acne , you have to act from the inside! By understanding the connections between the digestive system and skin and making informed dietary choices, you can significantly improve the condition of your skin.
Remember that the beauty of your skin often reflects the state of your digestive system, and by taking care of one, you promote the well-being of the other! 😉