bienfaits spiruline

The benefits of spirulina: an essential superfood to discover

At first glance, the algae aspect of spirulina may seem unappetizing, but don't be fooled by appearances (and judging by appearances is not nice)! Indeed, the beneficial properties of this superfood are no longer in doubt, and you might be surprised by the positive effects on your well-being.

What are the benefits of spirulina ? If this question piques your curiosity, you've come to the right place!

Discovering spirulina: origins and composition

The history of spirulina through the ages

Contrary to popular belief, spirulina is not an algae, but a photosynthetic cyanobacteria (a kind of small beneficial bacteria). Among the many varieties of spirulina present on Earth, only Spirulina Arthrospira maxima and Spirulina Arthrospira platensis are marketed and approved for food.

Cultivated for thousands of years in freshwater lakes in Asia, Africa and South America, this cyanobacteria gets its beautiful blue-green color from its high phycocyanin content: the magic ingredient of our precious treasure!

Think its popularity is recent? You might be surprised to know that our bacteria star has been around for centuries.

  1. Antiquity: The Aztecs used spirulina for its very high nutritional value . It also helped feed the Kanembous of Chad who used it as a flour substitute in the preparation of bread and cakes during the 15th century. An essential during times of famine!

  2. 1827: threatened with extinction following the drying up of the lakes by the conquistadors, spirulina was rediscovered by the famous French botanist Turpin. Needless to say, it had a close call (that's the right word!).

  3. 1960: During this century, spirulina became a real must-have! It had proven its merits so much that the French engineer Hubert Durand-Chastel and the American Ripley Fox intensified its cultivation to fight against world famine.

  4. 1974: Considered as “the best food for the future” by the United Nations, it was also recognized and praised by the FDA (Food and Drugs Administration) that year.

  5. 1984: With a little delay, France finally approves cyanobacteria in the heart of its territory. It will subsequently be produced in more than 22 countries, with China leading the world in exploitation.

spirulina benefits

A superfood rich in essential vitamins and minerals

If this little bacteria has traveled around the world, it is because it has a multitude of nutritional benefits. Do you remember this famous "magic ingredient" responsible for its cyan color? It is actually phycocyanin , a combination of proteins and pigments from photosynthesis that holds all the credit for the benefits of spirulina.

According to the Ciqual table published by Anses, it is this which gives our superfood its impressive protein content ! It is also an excellent source of potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron and calcium. A real mine of vitamin A and group B, spirulina can meet all needs. It's hard to be more versatile. 😉

The benefits of spirulina: an essential ally for your well-being

With such nutritional richness , it would be a shame not to take advantage of all the benefits of spirulina! Thanks to its beneficial effects, spirulina is undoubtedly an essential natural aid that will lend you a helping hand on a daily basis!

A source of competitive antioxidants

This superfood contains many antioxidants (such as phycocyanin, beta-carotene or vitamin E) that help protect cells from free radical damage . These small, unstable molecules can damage cells in our body, contributing to chronic disorders and premature aging.

A stable blood sugar level every day

It contains protein and fiber that slow down the absorption of carbohydrates, helping to stabilize blood sugar levels.

Immune defenses in top form

Of course, with so many vitamins and minerals to its credit, spirulina perfectly embodies the shield of our immune system . Iron, zinc, magnesium, B vitamins and phycocyanin promote the production of antibodies. It's the immune cells that are happy!

Pounds lost, muscles preserved

Composed of about 60% protein, it goes without saying that all athletes are fighting over it. It contains all the essential amino acids (those that the body cannot synthesize on its own), and helps maintain muscle mass intact, especially during periods of caloric deficit. Rather ideal for anyone looking to lose weight without putting their Apollo muscles at risk. Finally, when you think about it, spirulina is a bit like the "cyano-star" of food supplements !

  • 💪🏻 Are you an athlete and still hesitant to start a spirulina treatment? Come and discover all its benefits for your sports practice !

We recommend you

Organic Spirulina

Organic Spirulina

Organic Spirulina 100% pure and natural rich in vegetable proteins, minerals and vitamins.

  • ✅ Certified Organic by Ecocert
  • ✅ Dried and cold compressed
  • ✅ 3 months of treatment
  • ✅ 100% clean (no additives & no excipients)
See the product sheet

Practical advice for integrating spirulina into daily life

In powder or tablets, spirulina is on the food supplement market in all its forms. With such a large range of choices, it's not easy to know how to effectively introduce it into our daily lives. Here are some tips and tricks to help you enjoy all the benefits of our favorite cyanobacteria !

Blue algae at the heart of your plates

Is your jar of spirulina powder gathering dust in your cupboards? Give it a second life by incorporating it into your everyday recipes. A good shot of vitamins to boost your smoothies, a spirulina vinaigrette for your salads, or a snack in the form of energy balls or crackers, there is something for everyone. 🤤

You can even take up the good practices of yesteryear and incorporate it into your flour for your pie doughs and your sweet and savory cakes. Cyan effect guaranteed!

🌿 If you are afraid of not liking its unusual taste, tablets remain a very good alternative.

And the dosage in all this?

As with any dietary supplement, the dosage of spirulina should not be taken lightly. So be sure to follow these recommendations (we're keeping an eye on you!):

  1. Take 1 tablet per day for 2-3 days then 1 additional tablet every 2-3 days. Depending on your needs, you can reach 4 to 10 tablets per day.

  2. Introduce the tablets very gradually to avoid any digestive discomfort .

  3. Make sure not to exceed 10 tablets per day (or 5 grams).

spirulina benefits

Why choose Novoma spirulina?

At Novoma, we are committed to pampering you by offering you quality food supplements. We have selected for you a spirulina from organic farming , 100% pure and natural. The latter is grown in the best region of southern India (Tamil Nadu region) where the climatic conditions are excellent. Its high protein content (65%), phycocyanin (16%), and its source of good nutrients bring you without exception all the benefits of spirulina.

  • 💭 Did you know? Quality and origin are two essential criteria for choosing your spirulina. We have carefully selected our Organic Spirulina to offer you a food supplement guaranteed to be of excellence.

This praise for spirulina could be summed up in two words: get started! 🤩

Of course, supplementing is not suitable for everyone, and it is recommended to seek the advice of a doctor before taking any food supplements. Once you have obtained your approval, all you have to do is take full advantage of the incredible benefits of this superfood! In powder or tablets, choose the format that suits you best in order to integrate it into your daily routine.

If you want to know the contraindications related to spirulina, this article is for you: “ Is it good to take spirulina?


Is it good to take spirulina every day?

No study has shown, to date, any potential danger in consuming spirulina on a daily basis. During your treatments , it is recommended that you supplement every day by referring to the dosage that suits your specific needs in order to guarantee the benefits of spirulina.

How long does a spirulina treatment last?

For optimal effects, it is recommended to consume spirulina daily and regularly, as a treatment of 2 to 3 months and 2 to 3 times a year. You can continue the treatment for up to 6 weeks if the need arises.

What is the best way to consume spirulina?

This food supplement should be taken during the day, before or during meals. Since spirulina is rich in minerals , it is also advisable to drink plenty of water when taking a supplement to avoid digestive discomfort. As part of a zinc treatment, separate each supplement by at least 2 hours.

When to start taking spirulina?

An immunity booster and a treasure trove of antioxidants, the spirulina cure can be started at any time of the year. It will be a great support to you during periods of great fatigue, stress and immune fragility. Rich in proteins, it works wonders for our sports clients!

Our advice
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Nos réponses à vos questions


What is the protein content of your whey isolate?

The protein content of whey isolate can be expressed in two ways: ondry matterand onwet matter.

  • Dry matter: This rate corresponds to the amount of protein in the product after all moisture has been removed. This gives a more accurate measure of protein purity.
  • Wet matter: it reflects the protein content in the product as consumed, including residual moisture.

Here are the rates for each flavor:

Proteins (dry matter)

  • Nature: 90.7g / 100g
  • Vanilla: 86.8g / 100g
  • Chocolate: 85g / 100g

Proteins (wet matter) (finished product)

  • Nature: 85.45g / 100g
  • Vanilla: 81g / 100g
  • Chocolate: 80.27g / 100g

Some brands only display the rate on dry matter, which seems more advantageous. It is thereforeessential to compare products on the same basisfor a fair assessment.

What is the BCAA content of your whey isolate?

The BCAA rate varies depending on the flavors of our whey isolate:

  • Nature: 20%
  • Vanilla: 19%
  • Chocolate: 18.6%

What is the carbohydrate content of your whey isolate?

The carbohydrate content of our whey isolate varies depending on the flavors:

  • Nature: 4.4% including sugars: 2.3%
  • Vanilla: 7.2% including sugars: 2.4%
  • Chocolate: 5.2% including sugars: 2.3%

What is the carbohydrate content of your whey isolate?

The fat content of our whey isolate varies depending on the flavors:

  • Nature: 0.52g / portion
  • Vanilla: 0.50g / portion
  • Chocolate: 0.69g / portion

How many calories are per serving?

Calories vary by flavor:

  • Nature: 112 kcal / portion
  • Vanilla: 110 kcal / portion
  • Chocolate: 110 kcal / portion

What is the lactose content of your whey isolate?

The lactose content of our whey isolate is 2.3g / 100g (same value for all flavors).

Are your flavors natural?

The vanilla flavor is natural and the chocolate flavor is synthetic. After months of organoleptic tests to best satisfy the taste experience, we have selected these 2 flavors that fully meet our requirements for quality, safety and stability.

Where does the milk used to make your whey come from?

Our whey is made from high-quality fresh milk sourced exclusively from cows from French pastures.

Is Créapure® creatine suitable for vegetarians and vegans?

Yes, Créapure® creatine is suitable for vegetarians and vegans, as it is synthesized in a laboratory and does not contain any animal products.

How much creatine per day?

The recommended dose of creatine is generally3 g per dayto maintain optimum performance. This amount is suitable for daily consumption without a charging phase.

However, some protocols include an initial charging phase of15 to 20 g per day(divided into several doses) for 5 to 7 days, followed by a maintenance phase at 3 g per day.

Can I take creatine at the same time as other supplements like Whey or BCAAs?

Absolutely! Creatine can be consumed simultaneously with other food supplements such as whey, BCAA or multivitamins for example.

Can I use Créapure® creatine for weight loss?

Creapure® creatine may help maintain muscle mass and improve physical performance during a weight loss regimen, but it has no direct effect on reducing body fat.

To lose weight, it is essential to follow a balanced diet and a suitable exercise program.

At what age can you start taking creatine?

Creatine can be consumed by everyone from the age of 18, unless there is a medical contraindication.

Can you be “creatine deficient”?

Le corps produit naturellement de la créatine, et on en trouve dans les viandes et poissons. Cependant, les végétariens et végétaliens peuvent avoir des niveaux plus bas, ce qui peut limiter leurs performances musculaires. La supplémentation permet d’optimiser ces niveaux et d’améliorer l’énergie et la récupération, même chez les personnes qui consomment de la viande et du poisson.

When do creatine effects start?

The effects of creatine, if taken regularly, can be felt as early as 2 to 4 weeks after the first intake.

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