comment faire une détox

How to Detox: The Complete Guide to Purifying Your Body Before the Holidays

Seduced by its promises of purification and revitalization, you have decided to embark on a detox .

But how to do a detox? What are the steps to follow? Is drinking lemon water every morning enough?

As you can imagine, we won't leave you without an answer for long.

What is a detox?

A detox is a cure lasting a few days to a few weeks (maximum 3), where various tools are put in place to help the body eliminate toxins naturally. This cure is based on three principles:

  1. Reduce toxins through diet : Establish a so-called “hypotoxic” diet and adopt specific dietary principles.

  2. Free the Mind: Use the body's energy to eliminate toxins while maintaining vitality, while preventing stress or mental agitation from diverting this energy.

  3. Stimulate the elimination organs: The liver, intestines, kidneys, lungs and skin (emunctories) can be stimulated through plants, sauna, massage, physical exercise, etc.

💡 Good to know: Toxins are "waste" produced by the body, such as uric acid, lactic acid and free radicals. Toxic substances, on the other hand, are so-called external pollutants, such as endocrine disruptors, tobacco, alcohol and pesticides.

The key to this detox: mental and physical well-being and healthier lifestyle habits. 🙂

Why do a detox?

Detoxification is the process of removing toxins and toxic substances from the body, with the aim of improving energy and general well-being.

After a detox, we often feel lighter, more energetic, with glowing skin, better digestion and better sleep.

But how do you know if you need a detox? Well, there are several signs that can alert you.

how to do a detox

When your body needs a detox

Whether it is after overeating, at the arrival of spring with the desire to “start off on the right foot”, or to start new eating habits, this need for detoxification generally comes very naturally.

However, there are some signs that may indicate that it is time to do a little interior cleaning:

  1. Persistent fatigue

  2. Digestive discomfort

  3. Dull or problem-prone skin

  4. A general feeling of heaviness

  5. Difficulty concentrating, nervousness

  6. Bad breath, strong body odor

Warning: These signs can have various causes. If you experience discomfort or persistent problems, it is essential to consult a healthcare professional to obtain an accurate diagnosis.

How to do a food detox?

1/ If you don't know how to do a food detox , go back to basics, that is to say:

✅ Opt for organic living foods (fruits, vegetables) if possible, include nuts and seeds, make colorful plates, favor foods with low glycemic indices and good fatty acids (linseed or rapeseed oils, oily fish, etc.)

❌ Avoid processed foods, added sugars, stimulants like coffee or alcohol, and cut down on fatty and fried foods.

2/ Then comes the introduction of foods more specific to detoxification, depending on the desired goal and the organ targeted:

  1. Liver/gallbladder: artichoke, garlic, asparagus, broccoli, lemon, eggplant, dandelion, radish, black radish, grapes…

  2. Kidneys: avocado, blackcurrant, watercress, mushrooms, fennel, red fruits, dandelion, leek…

  3. Intestine: apricots (dried), seaweed, almond, banana (fresh or dried), cherry, papaya, walnut, hazelnut, plum, sorrel…

📕 Also read: Probiotics and flat stomach: fact or fiction?

3/ Finally, take the time to chew. This allows the brain to inform the different digestive glands that the food bolus is arriving and that they must hurry to secrete their enzymes.

We recommend you

best detox formula

Detox Formula

100% natural formula based on plant extracts carefully selected for their draining and detoxifying effect.

  • ✅ Certified Organic by Ecocert
  • ✅ Effective and natural detoxification solution
  • ✅ Optimal dosage of natural active ingredients
  • ✅ Vegan 🌿
See the product sheet

Detox recipe

Need some inspiration for a detox diet? Here are a few ideas:

  1. Buddha bowl for example with quinoa, carrots, red cabbage, avocado and sweet potatoes

  2. Soups: spinach + broccoli / green gazpacho / leek + celery

  3. Vegetable juice or smoothie in the morning on an empty stomach: Carrot + cucumber + ginger / Kiwi + spinach + matcha powder / Cucumber + spinach + apple (or pear).

  4. Artichoke salad with cherry tomatoes, rocket, garlic and vinaigrette.

The importance of hydration

Hydration is essential for detox. It is recommended that you drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day .

To vary the pleasures, add lemon, cucumber, herbs (mint, basil) or red fruits.

Finally, can we talk about detox without mentioning herbal teas? Dandelion, linden bark, artichoke, ash and birch are particularly effective in promoting detoxification.

Between water and herbal teas, your water bottle will become your best ally during this detox period. 😊

Essential ingredients for an effective detox supplement

What if we gave our bodies some extra support during this time? Here are the best natural boosts:

Activated carbon

Derived from charred wood, activated charcoal is used for its absorbent properties. Once consumed, it remains in the intestine where it absorbs unwanted substances, then is evacuated through the stool.

Please note: If you notice dark or even black stools after consuming it, don't worry, it's simply the effect of the charcoal.

Milk Thistle

It is THE benevolent plant for the liver. Milk thistle helps support the liver's detoxification and elimination functions.

The birch

Does the birch sap cure mean anything to you? A great plant for elimination , it is in spring that birch experiences its hours of glory. It will promote the detoxification and drainage process of the body.


This is an algae rich in chlorophyll, the green pigment of plants. Its main interest lies in its ability to capture heavy metals (one of the toxins mentioned at the beginning of the article) thanks to its fibrous membrane. Not assimilated by the body, this membrane is eliminated naturally in the stools with the captured heavy metals.

The lemon

If we say detox drink, what do you think of? Lemon of course!
Although its action is not as targeted as one might think, lemon is a real concentrate of vitamin C and antioxidants, which makes it an excellent ally to support your detox.

📕 Also read: Top 10 foods rich in antioxidants

how to do a detox

Detox lifestyle habits: good reflexes

A good detox also involves adopting good lifestyle habits:

Do physical exercise

Oops, can't escape it... 🏋🏼

Physical exercise will stimulate circulation and perspiration. It increases the breathing amplitude of the lungs, thus improving blood circulation, oxygen supply and the evacuation of waste (CO2).

If you're allergic to weight training, consider brisk walking, swimming, incline walking on a treadmill, or pilates.

Adopt a sleep and relaxation routine

Don't forget one of the principles of detox: freeing the mind. Reducing stress and promoting inner balance through yoga, meditation, breathing, reading or rest is essential.

In addition, detox can exhaust the body by intensifying elimination and drawing on energy reserves. We therefore make sure to take it easy, take breaks and sleep well. And yes, good sleep allows the body to regenerate and eliminate effectively. 💤

Apply a hot water bottle to the liver

Little bonus tip: Apply a hot water bottle to the liver after each meal to facilitate its work and its ability to eliminate.


Now that you know how to do a detox , all that's left is to take action.

Don't forget to drink your 1.5 to 2 liters of water, move, sleep well and relax with yoga or reading... Besides, why not take the opportunity to do a digital detox too?

Okay, maybe it's a bit ambitious, but it's worth a try. 👀

Happy detox!

Our advice
Detox Formula
Detox Formula
Regular price 24,90€
Sale price 24,90€ Regular price
Detoxifies, drains & eliminates
Regular price 26,90€
Sale price 26,90€ Regular price
Balances intestinal flora
gélules comprimés et capsules de compléments alimentaires
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Nos réponses à vos questions

Réussir une détox

Comment détoxifier son corps rapidement ?

Réduisez les aliments gras, sucré et transformé, buvez minimum 1,5 L d’eau par jour, consommez des tisanes détox à base de plantes comme le pissenlit ou l’artichaut, faites de l'exercice régulièrement et reposez-vous suffisamment.

Quelle boisson pour nettoyer le corps ?

Les tisanes détox, les jus de légumes ou l'eau infusée avec du citron, du concombre ou du gingembre sont parfaits pour nettoyer le corps.

Est-ce qu'une cure détox fait maigrir ?

Non, une cure détox ne fait pas maigrir directement. En revanche, elle peut aider à diminuer lourdeurs et ballonnements ainsi qu’à perdre un peu d'eau grâce à son effet drainant.

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