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How to take care of your hair during and after summer: tips and advice

Summer, sweet relaxation, golden skin, endless swimming and the hair, just like the skin, put to the test... 😮‍💨

The sun, the wind, the chlorine, the salt water, the sand, they are both our happiness, but also the detractors for our hair. They weaken the structure of the hair fiber, making our hair tired, dull…

To have a dream vacation without damaging your hair, here we give you some tips to protect it. 🩹

By following our guide on how to take care of hair during and after summer, you can not only limit the harmful effects of the sun on hair, but also enjoy your vacation in style.

How to take care of your hair

I. How to take care of your hair during and after summer?

The effects of the sun on hair: let’s talk about it! ☀️

Summer rhymes with beach, swimming pool, sun and so on. It's happiness guaranteed, but if we don't take care of our hair, before, during and after, it can be very damaged at the end of the vacation.

UVA and UVB rays , which make up solar radiation, impact the structure of the hair fiber, leading to the oxidation of pigments, irritation of the scalp, etc.

The hair, weakened, then becomes much more easily dry, dull, brittle... Prolonged exposure to the sun dries the scalp and modifies the pH, causing the appearance of dandruff and an imbalance of sebum. These fatty acids, accumulated in the epidermis, degrade the root and weaken the ends, which become thinner and split.

What about chlorine from the pool or salt from the sea?

Good question !

Unfortunately, swimming pool chlorine also damages hair. During swimming, the lifting of the scales allows chlorine to penetrate inside the fiber. This attacks the keratin, the hair fiber is then stripped and the hair is more likely to become rough and dull. 🙁

And what about the salt of the sea and the wind, that gentle sea breeze that we love so much…⚓️? Salt irritates the scalp, just like chlorine and wind, by bringing in dust particles and cluttering the scalp, making hair dull and fragile more easily...

In terms of bad news, that's a lot, isn't it? So let's move on to the good news, the ones that allow us to enjoy the summer, the sun, the swimming pool and the sea without fear of having to cut everything at the start of the school year!

How to protect hair from the sun?

To put all the chances on our side and guarantee beautiful mane during and after summer , we give you some natural tips to prepare hair for summer and protect it against the harmful effects of the sun. 🌞

As you can imagine, before - during or after the exhibition, there are different behaviors to adopt:

Before exposure to the sun:

We advise you to nourish your hair well from now on. We tend to say that we will cut them after summer ✂️, but if they are already damaged before exposure to the sun, don't wait and start on a healthy basis instead. Remember to nourish and moisturize your hair, for example with a homemade treatment based on aloe vera gel and jojoba oil.

During sun exposure:

You can spray your hair for the entire duration of exposure to the sun with a homemade mist based on aloe vera gel, jojoba oil and hydrosol, in addition to protecting your hair from the sun, this will provide hydration to your hair while perfuming it (since we take the opportunity to remind you here, no perfume before exposing yourself to the sun! Except that of your sun cream)

After the exhibition:

Rinse your hair well and wash it with a mild shampoo to rid it of salt, dust or chlorine, then deeply nourish it with vegetable oil (argan, coconut or jojoba oil). or make sure after each shampoo to use conditioner (and a mask once a week, depending on how often you wash your hair).

It's the holidays and we often have more time but strangely less for our hair routine. Do not forget it ! Continuing to nourish your hair well will benefit you after the summer (and even just after the shower, for detangling). 🧴

Little extra 😉:

Tiing your hair back and putting on a hat will further protect your hair. Think about it!

How can I protect my hair from chlorine and salt during the summer?

Going back and forth between towel and sea or swimming pool does not mix well. On the contrary, it is an often indigestible cocktail for the beauty of your hair , because the salt crystals amplify the action of the rays and burn them.

Chlorine strips away the natural oils produced by the scalp, making hair more vulnerable. So, the more damaged the hair, the more it will tend to turn green.

👉 To avoid this damage to your hair, during swimming, we advise you to wet it with fresh water before, so that it absorbs less salt. Then, apply a good protective oil to the ends. Since water and oil don't mix, water penetrates the hair less easily.

When you get out of the water, the ideal is to rinse your hair with clean water as soon as you can in order to get rid of the sea salts. Then you can reapply the protective vegetable oil if you continue your exposure.

On the other hand, to protect your hair from the effects of chlorine, act upstream and downstream as well, by applying vegetable oils such as coconut 🥥, argan or avocado 🥑 oil, before and after swimming . When leaving the pool, a good shower again before sunbathing is the best way to rid your hair of accumulated chlorine.

Finally, for the most courageous or the most daring, a swimming cap limits the contact of your hair with chlorine and the sun and would be number 1 in our advice ranking! To meditate ! 😉

Hair hydration routine idea to prepare hair for summer

If you have time, anticipate preparing your hair for the sun 3 weeks to a month before exposing yourself, by adopting a hydrating and nourishing hair routine.

➡️ Choose a natural shampoo enriched with vegetable oil. This choice will hydrate your hair while strengthening the barrier function of the hair's hydrolipidic film. To deeply nourish your hair, it is interesting to apply a hair mask.

Oil baths (like argan oil, avocado oil or shea butter) will provide nutrition, strength and shine to your hair. Consider doing a strengthening oil bath once a week.

How to take care of your hair

Keep your hair naturally hydrated during the hot months

It's best to maintain your hair throughout the warm months. Your summer vacation photos will delight you months later! ;)

Here are some recipes for homemade masks for your hair:

Avocado mask (nourishing) 🥑:

  • half an avocado;

  • half a banana;

  • 1 tsp of shea butter;

  • 1 tsp coconut oil;

After mashing the banana and avocado, add the shea butter and coconut oil previously heated in a bain-marie. Once you have a smooth mixture, apply the mask, letting it sit for 5 to 10 minutes. Rinse and shampoo as usual

Honey hair mask (antioxidant, moisturizing and purifying) 🍯:

  • 2 tsp of honey;

  • 3 tsp of sweet almond oil;

  • 1 egg yolk;

First, mix the honey and sweet almond oil together then add the egg yolk. Then apply the mixture to damp hair and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse and wash with a mild shampoo.

Homemade yogurt hair mask (conditioning and moisturizing) 🍦:

  • 2 tsp of yogurt (vegetable or not);

  • 2 tsp of aloe vera gel;

Mix the yogurt and aloe vera gel then distribute throughout your hair, massaging it and leaving it to sit for 30 minutes. Rinse and wash with mild shampoo.

II. Hair after summer: moisturize, nourish and repair

If you haven't managed to take care of your mane this summer, or if unfortunately it wasn't enough, don't panic! We give you our tips for finding soft, silky hair and saying goodbye to the pile of straw on your head!

Vegetable oil baths 🌱

Vegetable oil baths can be a good solution to replenish your hair's protective sebum barrier.

For each hair type, there is a tailor-made vegetable oil:

  1. coconut oil for frizzy hair 🥥;

  2. avocado oil for dry hair 🥑;

  3. borage oil for devitalized hair;

  4. castor oil for rough, dull hair and also to support growth;

  5. jojoba oil for oily hair;

  6. argan oil for dull hair;

  7. black seed oil to strengthen the ends.

Specialized care for damaged and colored hair

You can, if oil baths don't appeal to you that much, hydrate, nourish and protect your hair with a range of shampoo, conditioner and mask composed of fatty acids or ceramides, which help to replenish the fiber capillary.

To ensure that your colored hair regains its shine, you can turn to repigmenting treatments and your bleached hair (balayage, highlights) can regain a pretty blonde thanks to anti-yellowing or purple shampoos. 🧴

A little vacation for your hair

After you, your hair could also need a vacation! So, it is better to avoid using heating appliances, straighten them and color them before repairing them. 💆‍♀️

The post-vacation haircut

Cutting split ends remains a fundamental step to immediately restore vitality to your hair. After which, all the points mentioned above will be even more effective for your soft and beautiful manes.

How to take care of your hair

III. What are the food supplements to revitalize my hair?

The beauty of your hair does not only depend on a care routine that nourishes it from the outside. 💆‍♀️

Food supplements, rich in nutrients, are very important for the beauty and well-being of your hair. They wake up dull hair, slow down hair loss and regulate sebum production, whether in excess (oily hair) or vice versa (dry hair).

What nutrients does hair need?

It is especially the B vitamins that hair needs. These vitamins contribute to the synthesis of keratin, which is a major constituent of hair fiber.

A lipid deficiency is visible very quickly, because they are essential for the elasticity of the hair.

Amino acids such as methionine, also a precursor of keratin, are also important for the integrity of the hair fiber. Finally, there are minerals and antioxidants which help fight against premature aging of scalp cells.

🔍 Let's look in more detail at the supplements that make hair strong:


Zinc is an element that makes up 95% of hair fiber. Indeed, it is one of the components of keratin. It helps stop hair loss, stimulate growth and acts on oxidative stress, which also impacts your hair.

We recommend you

zinc deficiency

Zinc Bisglycinate

Synergistic formula based on Zinc Bisglycinate and vitamin B6.

  • ✅ High absorption zinc
  • ✅ 15 mg of Zinc per capsule
  • ✅ Made in France
  • ✅ 4 months of treatment
See the product


Biotin is an essential vitamin for our body. Indeed, involved in the synthesis of keratin, the protein that mainly makes up hair, biotin promotes hair growth and makes it stronger and shinier. To learn more about the benefits of biotin: Biotin for hair: everything you need to know .


Collagen , one of the body's essential proteins and popular for its beneficial action on the skin, also acts deeply on the hair fiber.


Moringa, thanks to its content of essential nutrients such as selenium, zinc, iron, calcium and fatty acids, is favorable to growth, the balance of the scalp and therefore the general beauty of hair.


Spirulina is a true ally for hair. It is rich in essential proteins, vitamins and minerals that promote hair growth and health.

Its antioxidants and amino acids also help to protect and strengthen the hair structure against external aggressions.

We recommend you

Organic Spirulina

100% pure and natural organic spirulina rich in vegetable proteins, minerals and vitamins.

  • ✅ Certified Organic by Ecocert
  • ✅ Dried and cold compressed
  • ✅ 3 months of treatment
  • ✅ 100% clean (no additives & no excipients)
See the product sheet


MSM , this natural benefactor for hair, is made up of sulfur, an essential element for hair, which contributes to the synthesis of keratin, a protein responsible for the strength and elasticity of hair.

As you can see, hair well-being during and after summer is far from an easy task. However, if you follow our advice, you will be able to show off a superb mane all summer long and even after, despite the harmful effects of the sun, chlorine, wind and salt from my sea. ⛱️

A few last little tips for you:

  1. Choose shampoos suited to your hair 🧴: gentle for normal hair, nutritious for dry hair, tonic for oily hair, specialized shampoos for colored and curly/frizzy hair. In all cases, choose natural shampoos, with a neutral pH, without silicone or sulfate;

  2. To add to your plate 🍽️: berries, rich in vitamin C, which promotes collagen production and iron absorption, essential factors for hair; spinach, rich in vitamin C and iron, but also in folate and vitamin A, which are favorable for hair growth; fatty fish (salmon, herring or mackerel), sources of omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin D, which promote growth and help prevent hair loss; avocados, rich in vitamin E, an excellent antioxidant that protects the skin and scalp;

  3. For the frequency of washing, it all depends on your hair type 💆‍♀️. As a general rule, it is advisable to wash your hair once or twice a week, or even 3 times for oily hair.

IV. To conclude

To conclude, maintaining magnificent hair during and after summer is within everyone's reach thanks to these tips and wise advice. 📚

By following professional recommendations, adapting your daily routine and choosing the right products, you can preserve the natural beauty of your hair.

Our advice
gélules comprimés et capsules de compléments alimentaires
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