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Omega 3 6 9: What Benefits for Your Well-being?

Known for their numerous benefits, omega 3, 6, and 9 turn out to be the real superheroes of our plates.

But, in what way do these fatty acids watch over our well-being? Where to find them, and most importantly, how to ensure an optimal balance in our diet?

Today, our goal is to give you the necessary knowledge to balance your intake and fully enjoy the benefits of omega 3, 6, and 9.

Let's get started!

omega 3 6 9 benefits

Understanding Omega 3 , 6, 9

Before enjoying the many benefits of omega 3, 6, and 9, let's start from the beginning! 🤪

Omega 3, 6, and 9 are fatty acids, which themselves are part of the lipid family. There are two main categories of fatty acids: unsaturated and saturated.

In the category of unsaturated fatty acids, we distinguish two subcategories:

  1. Polyunsaturated fatty acids such as omega 3 and 6 are essential fatty acids because our body cannot produce them itself. They must therefore be brought in through our diet.

  2. Mono-unsaturated fatty acids like omega 9 - Considered non-essential since the body can produce them.

As for saturated fatty acids, they are a bit the bad students of the lipid class: present in excess in certain foods like meat, dairy products, coconut oil, or butter, they are often consumed in too great quantities, yet they are the least beneficial.

💡Extra info:

Saturated fatty acids, due to their stable structure and saturation with hydrogen, tend to be solid at room temperature, like meat fat or butter.

Conversely, unsaturated fatty acids are liquid at room temperature like olive oil, canola oil, or walnut oil…

Role and dietary sources of each type of omega

The main role of omega 3, 6, and 9 is to store and provide energy to the body.

They also play a crucial role in the nervous, cardiovascular, hormonal, and immune systems.

Omega 3

There are different types of omega 3: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA).

Omega 3s have an exceptional reputation among fatty acids and this renown is widely justified given their benefits:

- Cardiovascular support: EPA and DHA contribute to normal heart function (the beneficial effect is obtained by a daily intake of 250 mg of EPA and DHA).

- Good for the eyes: DHA contributes to the maintenance of normal vision (the beneficial effects are obtained by a daily intake of 250 mg of DHA). Pssst: If this topic intrigues you, we've written a whole article on the link between omega 3 and eyes.

- Good for the brain: DHA contributes to normal brain function (the beneficial effects are obtained by a daily intake of 250 mg of DHA).

Where to find them? Vegetable oils: canola, walnut, flax, hemp, flax and chia seeds / Fatty fish: sardines, mackerels, herrings, salmons, trouts, eggs…

Omega 6

Under the guidance of linoleic acid (LA), omega 6 contributes to the maintenance of normal cholesterol levels (the beneficial effects are obtained by a daily intake of 1.5 grams of linoleic acid per 100 grams and 100 kcal of food, and if the person consumes at least 10 grams of linoleic acid per day).

Where to find them? Sunflower oil, corn oil, safflower oil, grape seed oil, nuts, cereals, leafy vegetables, seeds.

Omega 9

These fatty acids are found in the form of oleic acid.

Where to find them? Olive oil, peanut oil, sunflower oil, canola oil, avocado, dried fruits, nuts such as hazelnuts, macadamia nuts.

We recommend

best omega 3

Omega 3

Ultra pure fish oil concentrated in essential omega 3 fatty acids (90% triglycerides).

  • ✅ Ultra pure EPAX® fish oil
  • ✅ 800 mg of EPA & 600 mg of DHA
  • ✅ Friend of the Sea®
  • ✅ Minimal oxidation (Totox < 3)
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How to optimize your intake of omega 3, 6, 9?

The benefits of omega 3, 6, and 9 are numerous, and one is not more important than the other. The key is balance, and more specifically, the right Omega 3/6 ratio.

Indeed, the gap between the consumption of omega 6 and omega 3 in the diet is often too large.

The reasons for this omega 3/6 imbalance

👎🏽 Over time, food industrialization, aiming to have more stable oils for better preservation, has decreased the richness in omega 3, fragile and not very durable.

👎🏽 The decrease in fish consumption and intensive agriculture have amplified the omega 6/omega 3 imbalance.

👎🏽 Factors such as alcohol consumption, tobacco use, and stress also widen this imbalance.

👎🏽 Finally, an excess of omega 6, common, hinders the assimilation of omega 3, favoring cardiovascular disorders.

Ideal ratio between these fatty acids

Ideally, we should consume at most 5 times more omega 6 than omega 3 according to official recommendations.
In practice, we often observe a consumption of omega 6, 15 to 20 times higher than that of omega 3.

The ideal ratio between omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids is between 1:1 and 4:1 (4 omega 6 for 1 omega 3).
It's clear we are far, very far 🚀 from the recommended ratio and even from the maximum advised. It is therefore imperative to restore a lipid balance.

As for omega 9, it is frequently included in the total fat intake and does not have a specific recommended ratio.

Enjoying the benefits of omega 3, 6, 9 through diet.

To fully benefit from the benefits of omega 3, 6, and 9, follow this way:

🫒 Opt for cold-pressed virgin oils like olive oil (rich in omega 9), canola oil, flax oil (rich in omega 3), and walnut oil (balance between omega 6 and omega 3) for your cooking and salads..
Vary and mix oils to enjoy the benefits of omega 3, 6, and 9.
⚠ Beware, flax and walnut oils do not withstand heat!

🥗 Incorporate nuts into your daily routine as a snack, for example, or in yogurts, and rely on seed mixes (flax, chia, sesame…) to add crunch to your salads!

🐠 Incorporate fatty fish into your diet, such as sardines, mackerels, mullets, salmon, and tuna, for a significant intake of omega 3.

🌻 Limit the consumption of sunflower oil (omega 6) soy or palm oil, as well as meat, dairy, and cheese from industrial sources. These food sources present a high imbalance between omega 6 and omega 3,

We recommend

best omega 3

Omega 3

Ultra pure fish oil concentrated in essential omega 3 fatty acids (90% triglycerides).

  • ✅ Ultra pure EPAX® fish oil
  • ✅ 800 mg of EPA & 600 mg of DHA
  • ✅ Friend of the Sea®
  • ✅ Minimal oxidation (Totox < 3)
View product sheet

Omega 3, 6, 9 supplements: what you need to know.

  1. Consume omega 9 all year round thanks to diet... Check! ✅
  2. Having a sufficient intake of omega 6... Check! ✅
  3. Stocking up on omega 3 at each meal... Oops, it gets complicated!

And yes, despite our advice, it can be difficult to achieve optimal levels of omega 3 through diet alone. The consumption of fatty acids is unbalanced, making the intake of an omega 3 supplement often very useful.

Opt for dietary supplements based on fish oil rich in omega 3 with a high content of EPA and DHA to restore balance and take care of your heart, brain, and eyes!

Benefits of Omega 3, 6, 9, Let's Summarize

Well, all this certainly deserves a little summary in a few key points, doesn't it? 😉

Here's what you should remember from this article on the benefits of omega 3, 6, and 9 :

✅ The benefits of omega 3, 6, and 9 are numerous, and these fatty acids play a role in various aspects of our well-being: brain and cardiovascular function.

✅ The current imbalance in fatty acid consumption, particularly with an excess of omega 6, can lead to disorders in the body.

✅ Adopting conscious eating habits, such as the use of healthy oils, consuming fatty fish, and limiting sources of excess omega 6, contributes to maintaining a beneficial balance between omegas for our overall well-being.

✅ Resorting to an omega 3 supplement may be interesting to compensate for common dietary imbalances and ensure optimal intake.

In the end, the balance between fatty acids is the key to staying on the path to well-being. So, take out your best can of sardines, let walnut oil meet your olive oil, and fully enjoy the benefits of omega 3, 6, and 9!

Eloise Dubois-Gaché

Naturopath and FENA certified

Thanks to her solid experience in different herbalists, Eloïse includes, if necessary, complete and precise advice in phytotherapy, aromatherapy, gemmotherapy and micro-nutrition when setting up a personalized and adapted lifestyle program. to everyone.

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