vitamines pour être en forme

Which vitamins to choose to be in shape at the start of the school year?

As the start of the school year approaches, far be it from us to want to demoralize you, on the contrary! Above all, we would like to offer you our best advice for success.

Because to be sure not to suffer the consequences of the festive rhythm of summer, and to ensure a return to school in great shape , you have to prepare. To do this, your body needs to reconnect with essential vitamins and good habits. Here are our best health tips and our selection of vitamins to be in shape and full of vitality for the start of the school year!

vitamins to be in shape

What vitamins to get in shape and ensure a return to school full of energy?

We know well that the holiday period is conducive to all kinds of imbalances and excesses. Your diet, your sleep, your entire rhythm suffers, and it is sometimes difficult to recover. This is why we offer you four vitamins to get in shape and anticipate the start of the school year, so that it takes place in good conditions and your body regains its tone .

Vitamin C, to support your immune defenses

The first vitamin to be in shape is vitamin C , and for good reason! It is capable of maintaining your immune system and supporting its defenses. Thanks to it, you regain strength and tone. It also allows for the proper absorption of iron, which gives your body more chance of gaining energy and resistance. You find vitamin C in its pure form in fruits and vegetables such as guava, orange, mango, or even peppers, Brussels sprouts or broccoli.

The Sleep Formula, for peaceful sleep

While many French people suffer from sleep disorders, including 20% insomnia , sleeping well is more relevant than ever, especially at the start of the school year... And the harmful consequences of poor quality sleep are numerous.

To help you sleep better and return to school in great shape, you can count on melatonin, also called the sleep hormone. It prepares the body for sleep, reduces the time it takes to fall asleep and even helps reduce the effects of jet lag.

It’s one of the ingredients in our Sleep Formula 💤

Indian ginseng: Ashwagandha

Renowned for its virtues that are both soothing and energizing, ashwagandha is the ideal root for back to school. Indeed, it reduces fatigue and boosts your body. A natural anti-stress , this adaptogenic plant will soothe you on the eve of the start of the school year, a period which often generates a lot of anxiety.

You can consume ashwagandha in the form of herbal tea or as a dietary supplement. It will have very positive effects on your physical and mental balance.

Magnesium to combat fatigue and stress

Finally, how can we not mention magnesium which is our essential back-to-school supplement!

Ideal for rebalancing your nervous system, relaxing your muscles, improving the balance of your cells and toning up, opt for magnesium! This essential mineral for the body, although not produced by it, is a powerful weapon for a successful return to school. Consuming foods rich in magnesium, or even taking a cure in the event of a frequent deficiency, are strongly recommended. This will allow you to get your body back on its feet and prepare it for a period that is not always easy to live through, with a much more sustained pace.

Our advice
gélules comprimés et capsules de compléments alimentaires
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