The benefits of beta-carotene for a natural, tanned tan
Beta-carotene is a supplement of choice for a tanned complexion and skin radiance. It accelerates and maintains a natural tan, while protecting the skin from the harmful effects of sun exposure (photoprotective effect). 🧴
In this article, we will talk about the benefits of beta-carotene for a natural, tanned tan, but also the importance of a varied and colorful diet for health and skin radiance.
You will understand why supplementing with beta-carotene, combined with other active ingredients such as copper, burdock, lutein and lycopene, constitutes a beneficial source for your skin and your general well-being.
If you've been thinking about supplementing with beta-carotene to enhance your tan, get ready to stop thinking!

I. Focus on beta-carotene and vitamin A
1. What is beta-carotene?
Let's start at the beginning: beta-carotene is the best-known carotenoid. Carotenoids are natural pigments responsible for the warm hues of certain vegetables (such as citrus fruits or tomatoes), ranging from yellow-orange to red-purple. 🟠 🟣
Certain carotenoids, notably beta-carotenes , are precursors of vitamin A. In other words, the more beta-carotene we consume, the more vitamin A we produce.
Thus, thanks to its beneficial effect on the production of vitamin A, with antioxidant properties essential to organic functions, beta-carotene contributes to well-being and shine of the skin and constitutes a great ally of the immune system.
2. What is vitamin A?
An essential vitamin throughout our lives, vitamin A has biological characteristics similar to those of retinol (the main precursor of active vitamin A).
In most animal species, including humans, vitamin A is formed in certain pro-vitamin carotenoids, the main one being beta-carotene which is found in plants. 🌱
Also, vitamin A in the form of retinol and its derivatives is only found in products of animal origin. 🐄
Vitamin A is involved in the mechanism of vision and in the regulation (activation and repression) of gene expression. It is, therefore, involved in numerous organic functions such as embryo development, cell growth, tissue renewal (skin, intestinal mucosa) and the immune system.

II. The benefits of beta-carotene for a natural tan
1) Healthy glow effect
One of the roles of retinol is to participate in the differentiation and renewal of the body's cells, particularly of the skin and mucous membranes, thus contributing to healing and cell renewal.
Beta-carotene participates in the synthesis of melanin, thus preparing the skin for tanning and maintaining a tanned and natural complexion.
🛎 Remember that tanning is a protective reaction of the body to exposure to UV rays. Thus, to protect the skin from the harmful effects of UV rays, our cells accelerate the synthesis of this natural pigment called melanin, responsible for the natural tone of the skin.
Beta-carotene also participates in the synthesis of collagen, a protein essential for the construction and restoration of skin tissues. Finally, retinol, by acting on keratogenesis, helps maintain skin hydration.
2) Protection against the harmful effects of the sun
Due to these powerful antioxidant properties, carotenoids, and in particular beta-carotene , are very popular in cosmetics. 💄
Indeed, these antioxidants allow the body to fight against premature cellular aging and against oxidative stress.
By neutralizing the damage caused by free radicals linked to pollution, exposure to the sun and lifestyle in general, beta-carotene helps maintain a healthy body.

III. Radiant skin thanks to a diet rich in beta-carotene
1. In what foods is beta-carotene found?
Beta-carotene is found in many fruits and vegetables such as:
🥕 the carrot;
🍠 pumpkin;
🍊 apricot;
🥭 mango;
🍉 watermelon;
➡️ melon;
🥬 lamb's lettuce;
🥗 chervil;
🥗 parsley;
🥗 spinach;
🥬 green cabbage.
For green vegetables, the pigmentation from carotenoids is masked by chlorophylls.
Retinol, for its part, is mainly found in offal (turkey and chicken offal, beef liver), fish, eggs and cheeses (parmesan, emmental, mozzarella, edam).
For the beauty of your skin, always remember to include in your menu squash soups, marinated fish, boiled beet, turnip and dandelion greens, gazpacho, baked sweet potatoes, simmered or braised offal, carrot juice, ratatouille, piperade, stuffed tomatoes. Overuse aromatics like spearmint, caraway, fenugreek and chives.
⚠️ Don't forget to eat foods rich in vitamin E and B3! Foods rich in this vitamin are mushrooms, whole grains, legumes, pears, apples and wheat germs (consider sprinkling your dishes several times a week.).
Diet is the first step towards a sublime and lasting tan . Don't forget to hydrate yourself from the inside and out and, as we will see later, a good beta-carotene supplement will give your skin a glow.
For recommended nutritional intakes of vitamin A, do not hesitate to find out more about this list .
We recommend you
Sun Formula
Synergy of 7 active ingredients to prepare and support your skin in the sun.
- ✅ Sublimated tan
- ✅ With natural carotenoids
- ✅ 100% clean (guaranteed without additives & coloring)
- ✅ 1 month of treatment
2. Food supplements rich in beta carotene
Taking food supplements based on beta-carotene is recommended for people following certain specific diets (veganism, vegetarianism). In addition, beta-carotene is a fragile pigment, difficult to preserve, some of its active qualities can be lost at high temperatures.
For this reason, taking food supplements based on beta-carotene of natural origin, from fruits and vegetables, combined with other active ingredients beneficial for the skin, is strongly recommended, including for non-vegans. and non-vegetarians.
To promote a natural, tanned tan, we have designed a Sun Formula 🌞 which contains:
Copper, helping the enzyme tyrosinase to produce good quality melanin.
Burdock, concentrated in various polyunsaturated compounds such as polysaccharides, polyphenols and polyenes. These elements give burdock beneficial properties for purification, sebum regulation and diuretic effect.
Vitamin E, a powerful anti-free radical, which, moreover, increases the absorption and reserves of beta-carotene stored in the liver.
Lycopene, another carotenoid (found in tomatoes, red pepper, watermelon, etc.), which further protects the appearance of redness linked to sun exposure.
Lutein, with protective effects against UV rays.
And pantothenic acid, known for its hydrating properties (it helps retain water in the skin, thereby increasing skin hydration).

3. How much beta-carotene to take?
The recommended dose of beta-carotene is 7 mg per day as a supplement. For vitamin A (the retinol equivalent), the recommendation is not to exceed 1000 micrograms per day.
⚠️ *Vitamin A (or retinol equivalent) is not recommended for women who are pregnant or wish to be pregnant. Beta-carotene is not recommended for smokers.
To conclude
In short, beta-carotene turns out to be a valuable active ingredient for a natural and radiant tan . Thanks to its properties promoting the synthesis of melanin and combined with good exposure to the sun, it helps to make the skin more radiant. Solar capsules containing beta-carotene are the secret to an even and harmonious tan. By opting for this solution, you can achieve golden and glowing skin.
Make it your ally to fully enjoy the benefits of a tan with complete confidence. 🌞