Why take a probiotic course when you are pregnant?

The relationship between a mother and her child is made up of symbiosis and continuous exchanges, which begin at conception and continue well after.

Pregnancy , childbirth, breastfeeding, all phases which constitute crucial stages for the health of the child .

This is why special attention must be paid by every pregnant woman to improve the conditions in which the future baby will develop. It has been amply demonstrated that the course of pregnancy is all the more beneficial for the mother and the fetus if the mother's intestinal microbiota is healthy and balanced. The state of the immune system and the metabolic development of the child depend on this.

But already, what is the intestinal microbiota ?

It is a complex and articulated collection of microorganisms of the enteric tract, consisting mainly of bacteria, as well as yeasts, parasites and viruses. To find out more about the microbiota, we have devoted an article to the benefits of probiotics , microorganisms which prove capable, if ingested in adequate quantities, of balancing the microbiota.

Hence the question: why is it important to take a probiotic course when you are pregnant? Is their use desirable and useful for the mother and the fetus? All the answers in this article!

pregnant probiotic

What are the benefits of probiotics during pregnancy?

From the first moments of embryo implantation, the microbiota coordinates numerous metabolic and immune functions , by modulating the immune response of the cellular tissue which serves to nourish the embryo. Thus, it prevents the phenomenon of rejection linked to the fact that the fetus carries a foreign genetic heritage, half of which is of paternal origin. Then, all of the mother's microorganisms are transferred to the placenta , where it activates the release of lymphocytes and antibodies and prevents the establishment of pathogenic or "enemy" bacteria. All this reduces the likelihood that food intolerances and allergies will develop in the child later.

As a result, the placental microbiota exercises true fetal programming , by acting on immune factors, but also hormonal and neural factors, through the synthesis of molecules modulating the development of the fetal brain.

Let's see in more detail what are the benefits of taking probiotics while pregnant for the health of the future mother and her baby.

Probiotic treatment: the benefits for pregnant women

Generally, a balanced microbiota ensures effective action of the immune system, as well as regular metabolic and hormonal activity. This lays the foundation for an excellent connection between the gut and other parts of the body .

Here are the benefits that taking probiotics during pregnancy provides the pregnant woman:

  • Reducing the risk rate of premature birth and complications such as pre-eclampsia or gestational diabetes ;
  • Improvement of the digestive process, with the reduction of nausea , vomiting, constipation and other gastrointestinal disorders;
  • Better absorption of essential substances such as iron, calcium and magnesium. On the importance of prenatal vitamins and supplementing with vitamin D and iron during pregnancy, our blog articles are there to answer your questions and clarify your doubts;
  • Improvement in insulin resistance and subsequent reduction in blood sugar;
  • The reduction in the risk rate of mastitis , painful inflammation of the breast which seems closely linked to an excessive load of staphylococci, to the detriment of normal breast bacterial flora.

We recommend you

pregnant probiotic

Probio Formula

Formula with clinically proven effectiveness on intestinal flora.

  • ✅ 60 Billion CFU per dose
  • ✅ Synergy of 6 microbiotic strains
  • ✅ DRcaps® gastro-resistant capsules
  • ✅ Prolonged effectiveness
See the product

Probiotic treatment: the benefits for the baby, from fetus to infant

A balanced flora in pregnant women also ensures the synthesis of folic acid, vitamin K and B vitamins, essential for the well-being of the fetus .

Then, when the day of birth arrives, contact of the fetus with the birth canal and the mother's skin results in microbial imprinting . Concretely, the fetal intestine is colonized by components of the mother's microbiota and this microbial inheritance will influence, in the short and long term, the health of the newborn.

Indeed, future immune, metabolic and hormonal responses, as well as successful communication between its enteric and central nervous systems, depend on this crucial transition. This phenomenon explains why the microbiota of children born by natural childbirth is very similar to the maternal microbiota.

An excellent reason for pregnant women to take probiotics during pregnancy and later breastfeeding.

The benefits for the baby?

  • Prevent necrotizing enterocolitis in premature or underweight newborns;
  • Reduce the risk of atopic dermatitis or cradle cap in infants;
  • Reduce gas colic, particularly when feeding with artificial milk;
  • Prevent metabolic disorders such as obesity and diabetes in adolescence;
  • Promote brain development and mental health in adulthood.

Breast milk and probiotics

As for breast milk, it is naturally rich in beneficial bacterial flora. Breastfeeding helps enrich the baby's intestine with micro-organisms which will form its beneficial bacterial flora . If this is not possible, the provision of suitable probiotics remains essential in order to rebalance the baby's microbiota .

How to avoid urogenital infections during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the bacterial flora can be altered by the inevitable change in hormone levels and normal body functions, leading to numerous inconveniences (constipation, flatulence, nausea, etc.). These phenomena are increased by constant pressure and increasing exerted by the uterus on the stomach and intestines.

The health of the vaginal microbiota being closely linked to that of the intestinal microbiota , certain urogenital disorders can result from a reduction in beneficial bacterial strains of the intestinal flora and the consequent increase in pathogenic strains. The latter can then move up from the intestine towards the uterus and the urinary tract and, with the complicity of an altered pH, easily insinuate themselves there. Result: the appearance of vaginitis and candidiasis at the genital level or cystitis at the urinary level.

This demonstrates the fundamental role played by taking probiotics while pregnant , in order to maintain eubiosis (balance of intestinal flora). Probiotics are capable of counteracting the establishment and proliferation of any pathogenic bacteria or fungi causing candidiasis and vaginitis. Therefore, a combination of good probiotic strains proves essential for maintaining urogenital well-being . Especially since an altered vaginal pH, greater than 4.5, and a deficient colonization of Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria, increase the risk of premature birth.

In conclusion, the use of probiotics during pregnancy is recommended both in the event of the appearance of gastrointestinal disorders and as a preventative measure to support and better live this very special period. Our Probio formula helps maintain microbial balance in pregnant women , a precious gift that she will in turn pass on as an inheritance to her child. We advise you, as a precaution, to take medical advice into account in the event of pregnancy or breastfeeding.

We recommend you

pregnant probiotic

Probio Formula

Formula with clinically proven effectiveness on intestinal flora.

  • ✅ 60 Billion CFU per dose
  • ✅ Synergy of 6 microbiotic strains
  • ✅ DRcaps® gastro-resistant capsules
  • ✅ Prolonged effectiveness
See the product
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