Spirulina and iron, the winning combination
We often talk to you about it: iron 🧲 is one of the most important essential minerals for health, while at the same time being one of the elements that most people lack! According to the WHO, anemia affects 30% of women aged 15 to 49 across the world, and in 2019 caused the loss of 50 million “years of healthy life”, mainly due to deficiency. hell. Scary figures.
Of course, insufficient iron intake is not inevitable, and can be avoided by a balanced diet , including sufficient meat and legumes. Unfortunately, this balance is easier to preach than to achieve, as we all know.
In case of deficiency, one of the classic solutions is iron supplementation . But there is another way, which has its share of advantages: spirulina . Yes, if you didn't know, spirulina and iron go well together!
Presentation, compositions and benefits, iron absorption: we tell you everything about spirulina as a preferred source of iron in this article. 💪

Spirulina cure: benefits galore!
Spirulina , a naturally occurring superfood, is a blue-green microalgae that offers many health benefits. Composed of proteins, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, it is a veritable mine of essential nutrients .
The exceptional composition of spirulina makes it an incredibly rich source of protein . In fact, it contains all the essential amino acids, making it an ideal option for vegetarians and vegans looking for a plant-based alternative to support their protein intake. In addition, it contains a variety of vitamins and minerals such as iron, vitamin B12, calcium, magnesium and potassium, which help to keep us in great shape.
In addition to its nutritional content, spirulina is also appreciated for its antioxidant properties . The antioxidants found in spirulina help fight free radicals, which can damage cells and contribute to premature aging. Spirulina supports a weakened immune system, protects your cells from oxidative damage, and promotes healthy aging.
Spirulina also has positive effects on hair or tanning , and also helps athletes ... in short, never has a superfood lived up to this name so well. 🦸♀️
We recommend you
Organic Spirulina
100% pure and natural organic spirulina rich in vegetable proteins, minerals and vitamins.
- ✅ Certified Organic by Ecocert
- ✅ Dried and cold compressed
- ✅ 3 months of treatment
- ✅ 100% clean (no additives & no excipients)
Spirulina and iron: an incredible natural source of iron
Spirulina is known for its high iron content, making it an attractive choice for those looking to increase their intake of this mineral. According to ANSES, 100 g of dried or dehydrated spirulina contains 28.5 mg of iron.
The form of iron found in spirulina is primarily non-heme , meaning it is of plant origin. Unlike heme iron found in animal products, non-heme iron is generally less well absorbed by the body... except that of spirulina, we'll talk about that again.
In comparison, spirulina contains more non-heme iron than many other commonly consumed foods. For example, the iron content of spirulina is approximately three times higher than that of lentils, and almost 8 times higher than that of the famous spinach!
Whatever the type of iron, its role in the body is essential for many reasons. Its main mission is to transport oxygen through all the organs of the body, ensuring the oxygenation of blood and muscles. It also helps to stay in shape (hence great fatigue in the event of insufficient iron intake), but it is also important for maintaining a good immune system and operational brain functions (concentration, memorization, etc.). 🧠

The assimilation of iron in spirulina, a major advantage
If the iron content of foods is one thing, the assimilation of iron is another. Certain foods, by their composition and characteristics, allow better absorption of iron than others.
Iron absorption is a complex mechanism, which occurs mainly via hemoglobin. Iron is metabolized by digestive cells first. What we must remember is that we do not assimilate 100% of the iron we ingest, far from it!
Heme iron (from animal products) would be absorbed at 25% on average , whereas non-heme iron (of plant origin) would have an average absorption of 10%. Spirulina is, however, a notable exception: the summary of this study tells us that it involves a 27% higher ferritin intake than its equivalent in yeast or wheat flour (as much as meat, in fact). But in reality, expressed in micrograms of iron, the absorption of spirulina is 6.5 times higher than that of meat!
Several reasons explain this good performance. Spirulina contains proteins that can bind to iron and facilitate its absorption . Additionally, it contains compounds such as vitamin C , enzymes and amino acids that also promote the absorption of non-heme iron.
The benefits of good iron assimilation

Proper iron absorption has many health benefits .
First, optimal iron absorption can have a significant impact on our energy and vitality. As we have said, iron plays an essential role in the formation of hemoglobin , the protein responsible for transporting oxygen in our body. When our body receives enough iron and it is properly absorbed, our cells are better oxygenated, which promotes increased energy and greater vitality on a daily basis! ⚡
In addition, good iron assimilation is crucial for the proper functioning of our immune system. Iron participates in the production of immune cells, such as lymphocytes , which play a key role in our body's defense against infections and disease. Adequate absorption of iron is therefore favorable to our immune system, helping us to stay healthy and resist external attacks.
Conversely, poor absorption means potential iron deficiency, and therefore, risk of poor blood oxygenation. When our body lacks iron or its absorption is impaired, hemoglobin production can be compromised, leading to a decreased oxygen carrying capacity. This can result in feeling tired , reduced physical performance and increased susceptibility to infections. 🤒
We recommend you
Organic Spirulina
100% pure and natural organic spirulina rich in vegetable proteins, minerals and vitamins.
- ✅ Certified Organic by Ecocert
- ✅ Dried and cold compressed
- ✅ 3 months of treatment
- ✅ 100% clean (no additives & no excipients)
Spirulina and iron: how to optimize your absorption
You will have understood : consuming iron is good, absorbing as much as possible is better! Whatever the origin of the iron you consume, there are several ways to improve your iron assimilation, and therefore limit the risks of deficiency.
- Combine foods rich in vitamin C (like, randomly… spirulina): vitamin C facilitates the absorption of non-heme iron. Eat citrus fruits, berries, kiwis, red peppers or green vegetables rich in vitamin C, or more generally, acidic foods.
- Mix iron sources: If you eat animal sources of iron, such as red meat, poultry or seafood, this may increase the absorption of non-heme iron. For example, you can pair lentils (non-heme iron) with chicken or beef.
- Soak, sprout or ferment legumes and grains: These techniques can reduce the phytates found in these foods, improving iron absorption.
- Add plant sources of iron to your diet: eat plant foods rich in non-heme iron, such as green vegetables (spinach, broccoli, kale), legumes (lentils, chickpeas) or seeds (sesame, pumpkin ).
- Take copper : this essential mineral also increases the assimilation of iron - and spirulina contains a lot of it, another factor at the origin of its excellent assimilation rate. Organ meats like liver are also rich in copper, to a lesser degree.
Conversely, avoid the following foods: calcium, zinc, tea, coffee, dairy products, foods rich in phytates (whole grains or pulses, for example). All of these elements can decrease or be unfavorable for iron absorption.

Spirulina as an alternative to meet iron needs
Due to its high iron content , its optimal absorption and its varied composition, rich in proteins and vitamins, spirulina is therefore a more than interesting alternative to iron supplementation . Adding it to your everyday diet can be an excellent solution to make up for an iron deficiency, no matter how advanced it is.
At Novoma, we offer Organic Spirulina full of benefits for easy and effective daily use. Our spirulina food supplement is rich in protein, iron, vitamins A and B12. Collected in India (where the climate is very favorable), made in France and guaranteed without additives or excipients, our spirulina is also optimally dosed, with 500 mg per tablet.
Thus, with a course of 6 to 8 tablets per day, you will already meet around 50% of your iron needs, in addition to the other beneficial effects of spirulina on the immune system, hair, skin, etc.
To vary the pleasures, it is possible to use spirulina directly in your recipes . For example, you can add one or two tablets to the blender to prepare smoothies, or grind them into powder to add to a pesto or vinaigrette. 🥗
We recommend you
Iron Bisglycinate
Highly assimilable Iron Bisglycinate Ferrochel® combined with vitamin C.
- ✅ Chelated iron with high bioavailability
- ✅ 14 mg of elemental iron per capsule
- ✅ With vitamin C Quali®-C
- ✅ 3 months of treatment
To finish on spirulina and iron
Despite its many benefits, taking spirulina must be done with some precautions. It is not recommended for smokers and people suffering from hemochromatosis or phenylketonuria. And in any case, it is not recommended to consume more than 5 g per day.
If you have contraindications, it is of course possible to turn to a more traditional iron cure . We nevertheless hope that this article has allowed you to identify all the advantages of the spirulina and iron association, and has introduced you to this sometimes underestimated aspect of spirulina!