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What is the best supplement for hair? Our tips and advice on how to choose it.

Did you know that our hair (and nails) reflect our nutritional and emotional state? Given the link between inner balance and hair quality, the rise of hair supplements is no surprise! Many people struggle with hair loss, breakage, or thinning.

Hormones, stress, diet, infections... the factors are many! Taking a course of hair supplements can be effective in boosting shine and growth.

So, how do you choose a hair supplement? Which ingredients and vitamins should you focus on to promote growth and combat hair loss?

At Novoma, our team of nutrition experts has explored the topic to design a unique formula. But before we tell you more, let's cover some important points! ☝️

Why is it relevant to take hair supplements?

Our lives are marked by phases of stress for the body (and mind), which directly impact various bodily functions... and the state of our hair and nails! Several factors can affect the beauty of hair fibers, making choosing the right hair supplement very appealing.

best hair supplement

Explanation of factors that can affect hair beauty

It's not enough to buy premium hair products to have dream hair and strong hair fibers. If only it were that simple! In reality, several factors influence the beauty of our hair.

1) Diet

A varied, seasonal diet rich in essential nutrients and vitamins is the foundation of a healthy body and shiny hair. An iron deficiency could contribute to hair loss, as could a lack of B vitamins (B12, B6, B8 or biotin...), vitamin E, Zinc, and Selenium.

2) Stress

Cortisol, the stress hormone, takes a toll on our hair, whether it's emotional or physical stress! High cortisol levels have been linked to disrupted hair follicle function.

💡Did you know? Any hair disorder characterized by excessive and diffuse hair loss is called telogen effluvium! This is a natural reaction of the body to intense stress, whether physical or emotional.

3) Hormonal balance

Women are often affected by this issue. Whether it's due to postpartum, breastfeeding, or menopause, hormonal fluctuations can alter the quality of our hair and nails, often leading to diffuse hair loss! The cause? The sudden drop in female hormone levels (estrogen and progesterone).

And men are not exempt: they can also experience hair loss due to a sudden increase in testosterone levels. Specifically, a high DHT (dihydrotestosterone) level is associated with hair loss.

Other disorders can also lead to physiological imbalances that cause abnormalities in hair, skin, and nails (breakage, loss, thinning).

4) Genetics

Genetics not only determine the color and texture of our hair but also contribute to its loss! A study published in 2018 in the journal Nature Communications mapped out the hundreds of genes involved. Thanks, Mom and Dad 👪

5) Smoking

Smoking tends to reduce oxygenation to the scalp and hair follicles, which hinders hair growth. Hair becomes dry, thin, fragile, and brittle (and nails turn yellow, but that's another story...).

6) UV exposure

Excessive UV exposure is responsible for damaging the hair cuticle! (and causing many other skin issues as well...)

What are the benefits of hair supplements for hair growth and beauty?

When they contain the right essential nutrients and vitamins, hair supplements can give your hair a boost in addition to a healthy lifestyle and diet.

The benefits of a hair supplement:

  1. Helps stimulate keratin production (the main component of hair);
  2. Aids in strengthening and regenerating hair fibers;
  3. Promotes scalp balance (regulation of sebum production, epidermis hydration, etc.);
  4. Supports hair growth;
  5. Protects its natural color and texture.
best hair supplement

What are the essential ingredients for healthy hair?

Several active ingredients and vitamins are essential for hair quality and growth. Besides an adequate dosage of each element, what makes the difference is their synergy!

List of beneficial ingredients and vitamins for hair

➡️ Keratin: It’s the main component of hair fibers! Naturally synthesized by the body through cells called keratinocytes, it is present in the skin (soft keratin) but primarily in nails and hair (hard keratin).

➡️ Biotin: The famous vitamin B8 is present in most hair supplements. Vitamin B8 works on hair as it is directly involved in keratin production. It contributes to maintaining normal hair.

➡️ Zinc: This trace element contributes to maintaining normal nails and hair. While it is naturally found in food, a recent scientific study revealed that more than 50% of the population has a deficiency in one of the essential micronutrients (iron, zinc, and vitamin A).

➡️ Selenium: Appreciated for its effect on protecting cells from oxidative stress and for the proper functioning of the immune system, selenium contributes to maintaining normal nails and hair. Essential to the body, it must be supplied through the diet as the body cannot synthesize it. The trick? Two Brazil nuts per day are enough to cover our needs!

➡️ Arginine: This amino acid produced by the body is involved in keratin formation and thus supports hair growth and texture improvement.

➡️ Omega-3: Essential for cognitive functions, omega-3s support hair growth and the quality of hair fibers.

Hair Formula: A synergy of elements contributing to hair growth and quality

You asked for a complete hair supplement, and we made it! Our Hair Formula was designed and developed with 7 essential ingredients for scalp balance:

Keratin, the heart of our formula! This protein provides strength, elasticity, and shine. We chose patented Cynatine® HNS Keratin, known for its high bioavailability, and which has been the subject of two clinical studies on a group of people over 3 months to attest to its effectiveness!

Arginine, to promote hair growth;

Biotin, to help reduce hair loss and improve quality;

Zinc and Selenium, to support scalp balance;

And as a bonus: Rocket and Blueberry complete our formula.

Blueberry, with its phenolic compounds, has antioxidant properties and supports good blood circulation in the capillaries.

Rocket helps stimulate the hair bulb, promoting hair growth.

We recommend

hair formula

Hair Formula

Complete formula with 7 active ingredients including patented keratin, to promote hair growth and strength.

  • ✅ Synergistic formula
  • ✅ Patented keratin
  • ✅ Plant extracts
  • ✅ 1-month course
See the product

How to recognize the best effective hair supplement?

Before buying a hair supplement, several criteria can help you sort out and select the most reliable products (and the ones that suit your needs).

Choose a formula that is clear and transparent about the origin of ingredients

If we care about the origin of our tomatoes, we should also be clearly informed about the origin of our supplements! This is what transparency is all about: a top priority and part of our DNA since the beginning. ☝️

➡️ Our products contain only ingredients sourced by us, which allows us to have full control over the batches of our active ingredients and their technical properties. You will find the ingredient details on our product pages, along with the complete certificates of analysis (though we do not recommend trying to make your own recipe at home!).

best hair supplement

Look for proven efficacy data and satisfied user reviews

Our priority is your satisfaction: our Hair Formula was tested over 8 weeks through our Ambassador Program with 24 of you.

Results after the course?

✅ 79% noticed a reduction in hair loss after the course;

✅ 67% found their hair shinier and brighter after 8 weeks;

✅ 92% recommend this course to their loved ones!

And your reviews are unanimous 🙌

best hair supplement

Opt for labels and patents that attest to the product's quality

As with our food, labels and certifications of supplements are guarantees of quality.

Our Hair Formula is:

  1. 🌱 100% clean: guaranteed free from additives, colorants, GMOs, and nanoparticles, and suitable for vegetarians;
  2. 🇫🇷 Made in France;
  3. ♻️ Protected from light in an opaque, recycled, and recyclable (R-PET) bottle.

Need advice? Feel free to contact us; our customer service team will help you choose the right supplement!


What is the best vitamin for beautiful hair?

Several vitamins impact hair beauty, particularly vitamin E, vitamin B6, and the most well-known, biotin (or vitamin B8)!

Do hair supplements make hair grow?

While a varied, balanced diet is essential for maintaining hair quality, a supplement containing essential vitamins and nutrients can help hair fibers grow faster.

What is the best treatment for hair loss?

The best hair treatment depends on individual needs and issues (loss, thinning, brittle, or dull hair). A hair treatment should be taken for at least 3 months to see effects.


Consultant & writer in health, nutrition, sexuality, and psychology.

Passionate about the art of words and their impact since always, Marie holds degrees in international law, sustainable development, nutrition, and marketing issues, and since 2023, has been training in tantra, psycho-trauma, polarities, and emotional regulation tools. Driven by a desire to share knowledge, she produces the podcasts Sois Sage et Parle Fort and Les Mots C’est Bien Beau.

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